Assigning Homework: The Flipped Classroom Concept

teacher helping student

Throughout my time as a student in the College of Education at Grand Canyon University, I have been introduced to the idea of the flipped classroom. This concept was created in order to minimize the amount of assignments that students are required to do on their own, instead allowing them time to work in class with a teacher present.

I have done some of my own research on this concept, and I think it is a valuable alternative to assigning large amounts of homework to students. The flipped classroom concept is not something that a teacher needs to implement every school day, but rather it can be used as a means to cut back on the amount of assignments that a student needs to take home with them.

By using the flipped classroom procedure, teachers can ensure students have the opportunity for one-on-one assistance with homework from the teacher in class. While there are many benefits to this idea, some students may struggle with taking on the responsibility to do the video lessons at home, which can negatively affect their participation with the assignment.

In order for this process to be successful, the teacher must implement strategies at the beginning of the year to ensure students are aware of the expectations within the classroom regarding the flipped classroom idea. Students will need to learn how to manage their time and use their resources to benefit from this experience.

Because this idea has only recently been in effect in schools across the country, there are some differing opinions on the value of such a program. However, by examining what we, as teachers, can do to introduce this idea to students and parents, we can make sure new advancements are being made in education.

The flipped classroom can have a positive impact on student achievement and can be a great alternative to assignments done at home.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.