Careers in Education Outside of the Classroom

sketch drawing of  a question mark, lightbulb and gears

For students wishing to use foundational teaching skills in a variety of different fields, Grand Canyon University offers a Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies focused on analyzing classroom teaching concepts and pedagogical practices. This program may be a good match for those interested in careers in education outside of teaching in the classroom. These may include:

Parks and Recreation

Parks and recreation departments serve the community by maintaining parks, preserves and recreation centers, and providing other resources such as pools and sports programs. The leadership skills and knowledge of educational psychology gained through an educational studies degrees could well-equip you for a career in a parks and recreation department by providing you with solid foundations that can be adapted to suit a variety of careers.


Similarly, the management techniques and technical strategies included in the curriculum for educational studies could suit a career working within a non-profit organization. The emphasis in the program on inspiring change pairs well with the mission statements of organizations that support specific causes or advocate for a certain point-of-view. Traditional jobs in this area may include program director and policymaker.

Workplace Training

The skills gained through a BS in Education Studies can help prepare you to effectively train and teach in diverse learning environments. With your knowledge of leadership styles and management techniques, you may find a career as a workplace trainer to be a good fit. Companies rely on trainers to impart valuable knowledge and skills to their employees, one of the foundational areas of instruction in the education studies program.

If you hope to inspire minds and change lives through education, consider enrolling in Grand Canyon University’s prestigious College of Education. Visit our website or click the Request More Information button on this page to get started on your academic journey today.

Written by Kaylor Jones, a sophomore majoring in English with an emphasis in professional writing.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.