Celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week

By Trish Anderson, M.Ed.

teaching talking with students at their desks

Program Manager of Student Development and Outreach, Grand Canyon University

Teachers are the most underpaid and under-appreciated professionals in our country. How is this so? It is because of teachers that we ourselves become professionals.

I once taught in a district that had T-shirts made for union members that had many careers listed. The top of the shirt said, “Someone taught you for this job.” Teachers deserve to be acknowledged and thanked for all the energy and hard work they put into making us all better at something.

I loved school as a kid, even though I was usually asked to stay after school or sit in a corner by myself because I talked too much (I was diagnosed with what was then called Hyper Active Disorder—not a lot of people in the 1980’s knew what to do with that information).

It was my second grade teacher, however, who first recognized a leadership quality in me. Since I always did well on spelling, I was able to give out the spelling tests and even grade them. It was the beginning of my passion for school and would later shape my career.

I moved away from that town the next year so I never got to thank her for her inspiration and belief in me. I did, however, find many teachers after her who also encouraged me in my academic life: to give a speech in sixth grade, lead a study group in high school for AP English, study abroad in college, become a teacher, chair a committee, get my master’s degree, continue my education with a doctorate and always believe I am worth something more.

I have not always been able to thank all those teachers, but I have appreciated every single one of them. The effect they have all had on my life has been profound and life changing. I hope to encourage others to write a thank you card or personally tell a teacher in their life how much they have changed their lives.

My educational experiences here at Grand Canyon University have been nothing but positive. This is an amazing university with inspiring educators who have made me a better teacher and leader. Thank you all for what you have given me and others here at GCU. We appreciate all of you, from the professors to the instructional assistants to the tutors. You are all incredible and none of us would be here without you taking your time to make us all better learners.

The most exciting part? The College of Education is shaping more teachers who will one day have a profound impact on a child or adult. In case they forget to tell you, thank you. We appreciate you going into the greatest (and hardest) profession.

May your Teacher Appreciation Week be filled with thank you cards and gift cards!

More About Trish:

Trish taught high school French for nine years and served as a learning support coordinator for one year in at-risk schools. She completed her undergraduate studies in French at Northern Arizona University. She went to school in Yucca Valley, CA from sixth through twelfth grade, but lived all over the country in the years before that. She has also lived in France and London. She always had exceptional teachers who helped her when she was younger, which made her love for education bloom. Now, she gets to teach other how to lead and help students learn!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.