Cultivating Values in Students’ Lives

By Micah Lee

Children with their arms around eachother

As a kindergarten teacher, I teach students from all walks of life: my students come into my classroom with diverse backgrounds, experiences, families and cultures. These differences often include values. Some children are raised with Christian values, and some are just taught how to be decent human beings, but some may struggle to understand the importance of having values in one’s life.

I grew up in a Christian home with Christian morals and values, but that is definitely not the case for all children. As a teacher, I do believe that it is my responsibility to teach values to my students. Often, it becomes my job to not only teach the curriculum required by the state of Texas, but also things such as how to get along with others, respond to situations correctly, resolve conflicts and problem solve through difficult times.

Daily, I am setting the example for my students and I pray each day that I am making the right decisions to teach them how to be kind, loving and thoughtful. Children often learn by example and will mimic what is seen, so I try to always be intentional with my words and actions. I use words such as “thank you,” “please” and “sorry.” I stress the importance of treating others as I want to be treated and set the overall expectation of a safe and kind classroom each day.

I do believe that educators are placed in a position to change the lives of numerous children, and I feel that responsibility to my very core. I understand the impact I have in the lives of my students, and I understand how I, as a teacher, might be one of many key individuals and care givers in a child’s life who is cultivating and nurturing values in their lives each day.

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More about Micah Lee:

Micah Lee is a Grand Canyon University graduate, class of 2017. She has a Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies and graduated as a member of the Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education. Micah Lee teaches kindergarten in Texas and truly believes the saying, “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Micah Lee is also a wife and mother of two girls.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.