Earn a Degree in History Education

group of kids in a museum

Are you considering your degree options and feel that Grand Canyon University’s Bachelor of Arts in History for Secondary Education could be the right choice for you? If so, then continue reading to learn what you can do with this bachelor degree in history education degree.

Teach History

If teaching history to high schoolers appeals to you, then this degree program can help you toward your career goals. While earning GCU’s bachelor degree in history education degree, you will complete coursework that examines ancient history as well as Arizonan, Asian and federal history. The fundamentals of historical, legal and educational foundations for Structured English Immersion are included in this degree’s courses, along with other programs designed for English language learners.

Teach Social Studies

After earning GCU’s bachelor degree in history education degree, one career option you’ll have is social studies education at the middle school level. Some of the skills that you will learn as you complete this degree include planning instructional lessons and objectives in addition to assessing and sequencing objectives. How to utilize informal and formal assessment strategies to address the needs of individual students will also be covered.

Teach at a College or University

Is your goal to work in a higher education setting? If so, then GCU’s bachelor degree in history education degree can provide you with an excellent foundation from which to obtain additional credentials. After completing this program, you can consider earning an advanced degree to later pursue a teaching career at the community college or university level.

Grand Canyon University’s history education degree can prepare you for the career that you want in secondary education. If you’re ready to find out more, then please visit our website or click the Request More Information button at the top of this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.