Habits to Get Into to Be a Successful Teacher

Teacher has interactive reading circle time

If you want to teach like a pro, it is important to get organized and to get into habits to ensure that you are an effective and successful professional. Here are some habits that you should cultivate.

Have a Weekly Schedule

Keeping a calendar with your schedule will help remind you of everything that you need to do. It will help to be able to physically see what you have to do to help you keep on track with everything to make sure everything gets done. Having everything laid out in front of you will help your days go smoothly. Creating a schedule at either the end or beginning of each week will help you stay on track.

Prepare For the Next Day Before Leaving School

Make your lesson plans and prepare everything that you need for the next school day before you leave school. Make sure your classroom is tidy and everything is organized before you leave for the day. You will feel more organized and prepared for the day ahead when you walk into your classroom in the morning if you do this.

Use Family and Community Volunteers

Make sure that you utilize all of the help that you can get. As humans we often think that our problems are ours to handle and as a teacher you may feel like you need to handle your classroom and your students all on your own. If families and community members volunteer to help, let them, give them projects to help you with or chaperone or anything else you can use them for. They would be happy to help.

Be a Continual Learner

Participate in professional development opportunities that are provided by your school, district, professional associations as well as your university. Not only will these sessions ensure that you stay current in the field, but there are also opportunities for you to advocate for your students as well as your profession.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

If there is anything that you are struggling with in your classroom, do not be afraid to ask for help every once in a while. You do not have to take everything on, on your own. Ask other teachers, families or any of the school administration for help when you need it. Other teachers would be willing to help and appreciate when you are able to return the favor and it gives you the opportunity to build your relationship with the other teachers you are working with.

Avoid Negativity

Stay positive in every situation. We all have bad days and good days. It is easy to get ourselves down when we have our bad days and have a negative attitude when things go wrong. If you stay positive and look at the best in every situation, your bad days will be a little easier.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.