Spotlight: Arizona Teaching Intern Program

two girls looking at paperwork

As an alternative pathway to a teacher licensure, the Arizona Teaching Intern Program is designed for students enrolled in a Master of Education degree program and who currently have a contract with a district in a high needs area. This program allows eligible students to work in a classroom setting while completing their degree!

Are You Eligible for the AZ Teaching Intern Program?

To be able to take part in the AZ Teaching Intern Program, you must currently be enrolled in one of the following master’s degree programs:

Additionally, you must have an official transcript showing a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, a current AZ IVP fingerprint clearance card, a full-time contracted teaching position in an area that meets the AZ Teaching Intern Program qualifications and a passing AEPA/NES subject knowledge exam scores.

If you meet the requirements, you have the opportunity to work under contract in a classroom while still in a graduate program. This can be a great way for graduate students to get real experience in a teaching environment to bring with them to the workforce upon graduation. To get more information on how to get involved with the internship program for educators, speak with your university counselor and find out how you can use this resource to pursue your passion for education!

Grand Canyon University makes giving opportunities to its students a top priority. To learn more about the education programs at GCU, visit the College of Education or click the green Request More Information button at the top of this page.

Written by Jessalyn Johnson, a junior majoring in English literature at GCU.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.