Taking a Stand Against Childhood Obesity

student eating a school lunch

Childhood obesity has become a great problem over the years, and something needs to be done in order to protect the next generation from this disastrous attack. Lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating habits are the biggest factors leading to childhood obesity. So, it is important to implement programs that focus on a healthy style of living into children’s education.

By creating individualized exercise and healthy eating plans for each student, the education board can make a significant difference in the lives of children who are at risk for obesity. Taking a stand early on in their education and providing information to parents will lead to a healthier tomorrow for future generations.

Jamie Oliver, a British media personality and chef, created a goal over the past several years to focus on making school lunches healthier. I read an article about his efforts, and it made me take a closer look at why these changes must be made. It made me think that kids making healthy choices really must start in the classroom. Teachers must take the responsibility to encourage healthy living and eating habits for their students.

When I become a teacher, I am excited to implement healthy decision-making into my classroom. I think that it is important to make these activities fun and engaging for students so that they truly take the information to heart. I would like to encourage my students to create projects on their own regarding healthy eating choices in an annual “Health Fair.” The students would each research some healthy habits and then create a project to display to friends, family and other classrooms within the school.

Education is one of the most important and valuable gifts that can be given, and it can change the way children develop. By implementing stronger strategies to prevent childhood obesity, teachers can encourage students to make smart choices about food and health. By adapting healthy eating and physical activity guidelines, students would have a foundation for lifelong healthy decision-making.

The field of education has a responsibility to take a stand against childhood obesity and the problems that it has caused over the years. We can already see that it is a problem that needs to be addressed, so now it is up to the school board to take action and implement a successful plan that allows students access to nutritional facts, exercise plans, healthy mindsets and nourishing meals. Along with these plans, the students should also be encouraged to study nutrition and the science behind exercise in the classroom.

By giving children the information and tools necessary to live a healthy life, we should be able to see a dramatic change in the devastating statistics of childhood obesity. The numbers will drop along with the pounds, and the next generation will be prepared to face this attack on our country.

Childhood obesity is a major issue in America, but educational programs can and should be started to help eliminate this problem. Childhood obesity continues to be something that Americans struggle with on a daily basis; however, with the help of our education system, a plan can be enacted to make a change in these student’s lives.

Grand Canyon University’s College of Education prepares individuals to deliver quality education and enrich lives across a variety of school and community settings. To learn about earning a degree at GCU, request more information today!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.