Teaching Tuesday: How To Thrive While Teaching

A group of teachers building connections with each other

As educators, we can thrive through pursuing a career in teaching the next generation of learners. There are many aspects of a teaching career that supports our own development as human beings as well as our students. We are constantly analyzing our effectiveness in the classroom and are in continual pursuit of honing our skills.

We also are adept in the value of social-emotional health and use this knowledge to take care of ourselves and others. As effective communicators, we can thrive by working effectively with other educators as well as our students and families. These steps can be helpful for teachers working in traditional, face-to-face classrooms as well as remote learning environments.

Continuous Improvement

Teachers are passionate about what they do and the students they work with. For this reason, we strive to do our very best! We must reflect regularly and think about components of our lessons that were effective, students who are making progress and what is not going as planned.

We can thrive through this work when we recognize our continuous improvement and build confidence in our ability to be effective at what we do. When our students make progress, academically, socially or emotionally, we should take a moment to recognize ourselves as effective teachers. 

Caring for Yourself

One of the best ways to thrive in present times is by caring for ourselves. We know it is important to manage our daily workloads to leave time for personal care, hobbies, exercise, prayer or meditation and restful routines. We have all heard the adage that you cannot care for others unless you care for yourself first. As teachers, we can be successful in our careers by strengthening our souls and organizing our day with self-care.

Thriving Through Connections

Connecting with others to share strategies, successes and approaches can help us to celebrate our passion of teaching and learning. When we work in professional learning communities with other educators, we can continue to grow and refine our practices. We all think about solutions differently, so our responsibilities can continue to evolve with the changing landscape when we are open to changes and seek out innovative solutions.

A career as a teacher is contributing meaningful work to your local community and the future global workforce. Teachers are people who educate children for all future professions. We can all feel confident in saying we are world changers, so let's step forward and thrive as educators! 

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.