What Makes a Teacher Legendary?

Legendary is defined as “remarkable enough to be famous; very well known.” I would venture out to say that many individuals have the goal of being legendary in their lifetime or desire to leave a legacy behind. Being legendary can look very different in different occupations. For example, being legendary for a doctor may mean finding that cure or vaccine, or for a detective, it could mean solving the case that has been stumping all others. What does legendary look like for a teacher or an educator?
When I ponder the word “legendary,” many teachers come to mind: teachers I work with, teachers I have had in the past and teachers that my nieces and nephews have or had. I think it is safe to assume that each of us has a teacher, or multiple teachers, that we remember years later. For most of us, this teacher probably made us feel important, smart and loved. Being legendary as a teacher means having a positive impact on future generations.
It’s beyond the required curriculum
Quality teachers teach the required curriculum and ensure their students leave with more knowledge than they started with, but legendary teachers teach life lessons. Legendary teachers instill good manners, compassion, and empathy in their students. It is not enough for students to leave knowing all the standards for that particular grade level, these teachers desire for their students to leave their classroom as better human beings.
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More about Micah Lee:
Micah Lee is a Grand Canyon University graduate, class of 2017. She has a Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies and graduated as a member of the Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education. Micah Lee teaches kindergarten in Texas and truly believes the saying, “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Micah Lee is also a wife and mother of two girls.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.