Alumni Spotlight: Eric Majarrez

person reading a bible

Meet alumni Eric Majarrez! As a former Grand Canyon University student, he graduated with a theology degree and is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity in Biblical and Theological Studies. Learn more with our interview with him below:

Give us an update; what are you currently involved in and pursuing?

I am currently pursuing my Master of Divinity in Biblical and Theological Studies degree at Phoenix Seminary. I am using the education that I am currently receiving and the education that I previously received at Grand Canyon University to currently serve as a Bible teacher and in a variety of others roles, at The Reborn Church of Phoenix.

When I graduated from GCU, I took the initiative of writing policies for positions within the church. I also established a membership class to teach new believers and church staff topics such as theology, doctrine and Christian living. At least once a month, I teach our Wednesday night Bible studies. For our Sunday worship, I am responsible for the audio and visual production, organizing the liturgy, delegating volunteer responsibilities and communicating the order of the service to the church staff for our Sunday services.

My goals in ministry are to eventually become an elder in my church and continue to teach the word of God. Lastly, I aspire to teach the Bible at the university and seminary level, so after I graduate with my master’s degree, I will pursue a PhD to become a professor.

What do you think is important about the idea of “United in Focus”?

When considering the concept of “United in Focus” it is imperative to discuss the importance of the gospel and the Christian mission. Christians need to be united on the primary doctrines such as the Trinity and the Gospel of salvation being a gift of God’s grace alone through faith alone in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone so that all glory will always go to the Triune God alone.

Christian unity should begin with the basic elements of the faith and continue in our mission to love others and make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. Achieving Christian unity is a command that Christ gives to his people, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you… By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have a love for one another” (John 17:34-35). Christians are not only united by love, but we are united by blood. Jesus Christ shed his blood to forgive our sins and reconcile us to the Father and to each other. The Apostle Paul reminds the church of this truth, “Remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:12-13). When unity is achieved in the Church, the body is healthy and able to focus on living out the implications of the gospel, which is to sacrificially love others and to create disciples.

What were some of your favorite courses and which professors did you really enjoy at GCU?

Dr. Diffey was a professor whose theology and teaching style I found admirable. He motivated me to be confident in holding to doctrines such as inerrancy, Reformed soteriology and ecclesiology. As a result of attending his Hebrew Prophets Class, I will always remember that the message of a prophet was the following: (1) command Israel/Judah to repent from breaking covenant with God, (2) if they do not repent then there will be judgment and (3) lastly there is hope beyond the judgment.

If you take his Hebrew Prophets class, that will be engraved in your mind. He is also a professor that cares for your personal walk with Christ. I still maintain a friendship with Dr. Diffey and he continues to provide me with wisdom for ministry in church and guidance for life during seminary.

If you could give one piece of advice to a current student, what would that be? And why?

Be a member and serve in a local church. I knew a lot of students who simply studied the Bible, but were not a member of a local church. Theology is meant to go from your head to your heart and then to your hands and feet. In other words, in addition to increasing your knowledge and love for God and his Word, your theological education should benefit others. To care for others needs before yours, to proclaim the gospel, to take responsibility for building up the body of Christ—that is the Christian life. In the local church, you should have a pastor, elder or mentor that oversees your life and challenges you to live for Christ.

At Grand Canyon University, our faculty is committed to the success of all students. To learn more about our College of Theology, please visit our website or use the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.