Canyon Worship 2018: Interview with Aaron Bolton

photo of aaron bolton

The Canyon Worship 2017 album took the school by storm and was a great follow-up to the first Canyon Worship 2016. The talent within the Center for Worship Arts at Grand Canyon University is something that everyone should be proud of. It’s full of great messages, a collection of voices, different genres and the Holy Spirit filtering through it all.


Now, the Canyon Worship 2018 is here! Released on September 10, the worship album can be found on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Shazam and in the Lope Shop on campus. As the third installment, it holds different styles featuring the creative and talented students of Grand Canyon University.

We got the chance to speak to Aaron Bolton who is on the 2018 album and majoring in worship arts. Check out our interview below and get to know him!

What are you passionate about?

I would say, Jesus. This sounds cheesy, but it’s not. I do believe that lately in my life, I am seeing that Jesus shapes everything I think and do. Also cooking shows. Specifically Gordon Ramsey cooking shows.

What do you hope listeners get from the album?

I hope they get a moment with Jesus. I think songs have this opportunity to get an encounter with God and that’s crazy, so I hope if they get anything out of it, they get a word from God.

How do you feel music can communicate to a variety of audiences?

Music has been inspiring people for thousands of years in every continent and country. I think that’s because it connects with people in a way that is deeper than speaking and seeing things. I don’t know how specifically, but it does.

When did you first know you wanted to pursue music as a career?

I was in 4th grade and the high school orchestra came to my elementary school to do a concert. From that moment on I was changed. I was in orchestra for nine years and that’s when I knew that music was something I wanted to be a part of.

How do you use music to speak the word of the Lord

I think something special happens when God has his hand over a song. It doesn’t always matter how good the song is or how it sounds but something happens when someone is touched by a song and you get to see God through it. I hope any song I write, that people see authenticity and through that, they see Jesus.

Who is your favorite Christian artist?

Chance the Rapper, because he wrote how “Great is Our God.”

What song did you write on the album?

I wrote a song called “Witness.” it’s about getting more faith in God even when you don’t feel like you’re enough because he is stronger than we could even be. He does the impossible even when we can’t see a way.

Hear more of Aaron Bolton on the Canyon Worship Album 2018 out now on Spotify, iTunes, The Lopes Shop, Shazam and Google Play!

At GCU, we’re committed to providing all learners with a quality education to help them reach their career goals. If you’re interested in Grand Canyon University’s Bachelor of Arts in Worship Arts, then please visit our College of Theology website or click the green Request More Information button at the top of this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.