College of Theology Student Spotlight: Baron Decker

By Jaerden Willingham
Student Worker, College of Theology

GCU college of theology building

The College of Theology at Grand Canyon University is embracing its commitment to help students gain a deeper understanding through education; this is reflected in a student named Baron Decker. Baron is currently a senior earning a Bachelor of Arts in Worship Arts with an Emphasis in Worship Ministry. At this time, his pursuits have led him to an opportunity with a local congregation to serve as their tech manager, but Baron has more plans and passions for his future!


It is our hope that Baron will continue to pursue and gain a deeper understanding in his career, as well as the plans that God has prepared for his life. Recently, we were able to sit down and ask some questions about himself and his time at GCU in addition to his future career goals.

What is Your Plan for After Graduation?

I am currently surveying multiple options for post-graduation opportunities. I am considering a career in media production emphasizing in sound reinforcement/recording within the church. I have been offered an opportunity with a local congregation to serve as their tech manager. However, in the future I plan on going back to school for a master’s degree in either psychology or education, as I feel called to work with people.

What are Your Favorite Courses at GCU?

My favorite courses have always been the theological classes, such as Gospel and Acts, the Pentateuch and Biblical Interpretations. I find them to be challenging enough to force me towards a deeper understanding while also being interesting.

What are Your Current Pursuits?

I work on the studio management team at the GCU Recording Studio. As a student worker, I have a variety of responsibilities that I am charged with. Some days, I oversee the front desk, scheduling people and taking care of the rehearsal rooms. However, I have also been given the opportunity to record/edit projects in the Recording Studio, so a lot of my time is spent there. I also serve as a worship leader for a local youth group and am an avid writer, spending a lot of time thinking up and writing new ideas. I love playing guitar as well.

How Do You Think the Idea of “Gaining a Deeper Understanding” is Important?

The process of understanding any entity to the fullest of one’s ability is vital if they wish to utilize or relate to it most effectively. This is true of anything, whether it be an argument, an object, a person or anything else. I think of an engineer when I hear this question. If one wishes to develop a solution to a problem, as is the engineer’s job, they must survey all pieces pertaining to that problem and work to understand the situation. The more understanding that is ascertained, the more variables can be controlled and, ultimately, the better solution is constructed.

So, gaining a deeper understanding of an entity is important because it allows for one to be effective with the given resources as well as have better relationships. GCU is helping me develop this attribute by placing me in challenging courses which force me to dive into the material of a subject and work to comprehend the material more.

Visit the website to learn more about Grand Canyon University’s College of Theology and its worship arts programs, as well as all of their opportunities, or push the Request More Information button on this page!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.