An Exclusive Interview with Eric Johnson, GCU Recording Studio Manager

closeup of a recording studio sound board

Eric Johnson is the manager for Grand Canyon University’s Recording Studio. It was built in 2015 and has served as a place for students to express themselves musically and come closer to God.

We got to interview Eric Johnson himself and see what it’s like to manage the recording studio at GCU and what advice he would give students seeking a career in worship arts. See the full interview below and read what he has to say!


Tell us a little about yourself.

I like to travel and take road trips. I tend to travel up the Pacific Coast Highway and I like to travel away from big cities and out to the rural areas of the country. My wife and I enjoy going on dates and I particularly enjoy serving at my church on the weekend. However, recording music is one of my favorite hobbies.

What do you enjoy most about your ministry with the GCU Recording Studio and those in the Worship Arts Program?

I love the idea that I am serving to develop the future worship leaders of America. Watching students enter the program and going on a journey with them as they grow through the program is very rewarding. It is interesting to be there, as they learn the life skills of managing their time better, honing their craft, writing songs and experiencing the victory of finished projects. Going through these experiences with them is really cool. It is also incredibly energizing to know that there are churches being impacted by our program.

In our newsletter this year, we are considering the topic of “A Daring Devotion” towards God. How do you find the concept to be relevant to a degree in Worship Arts?

Well, my faith has always been a practical one. I believe I have practiced faith through a life of service; service to the church, leaders, others and now the students of the Worship Arts program. Service for me doesn’t always mean passive submission. Service means that I am willing to do whatever it takes to bring someone to their next potential.

The last line of my resume says “Able to make others look better.” It speaks to the servant’s attitude that is used to help others hone their craft. Whether that be through an instrument or speaking publically. Encouraging others not to settle for anything less than an excellent presentation.

What is distinct about the Worship Arts Program at Grand Canyon University?

As a program the opportunity to use the recording studio is unique. It is also unique in the way the recording studio is used. We use our studio to help worship leaders who are also songwriters capture their songs in a way that they can be shared with others. Studios in most universities have audio engineering programs attached. Our studio is in service to worship within the local church. Our students are very leadership oriented as well. I may be biased, but I think that we have some of the most leadership-oriented students on campus. Our students are life leaders, RAS, worship leaders for the chapel band and they go on mission trips around the world.

What advice would you provide to students that are seeking a career in Worship Arts?

There is so much advice that I could give, but I would encourage the student to be very level-headed about the nature of vocational ministry; especially in the career of Worship Arts. Do whatever you can to capture the reality of what ministry is and the responsibility that is placed upon you as a worship leader.

Don’t think of it as just any other job, because you are carrying the burden of the choices people end up making about whether or not they will follow Jesus. These people are watching you. I always try to encourage students to avoid being too eager, because they need to be prepared to stand against the disappointments that may come. The Worship Arts family is a very close culture, we lead off our conversation with “Hey worship arts fam,” so students have quite a bit of support. Students genuinely care about when other students are celebrating, in stress, or dealing with tragedy. You can definitely feel this in the Worship Arts Program

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.