Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Amanda Jenkins

picture of amanda jenkins

Meet Dr. Amanda Jenkins! She is a faculty member of the College of Theology and teaches classes for people who are called into Christian Ministry. Learn more about Jenkins in our interview with her below:


Tell us about yourself, what are your current interests and hobbies?

I am a California girl learning to love Arizona. My life has been made up by a variety of different jobs and education. Most of my interests or hobbies have revolved around what I was doing for money or a degree. I have enjoyed most jobs that I have had varying from being a pre-school teacher to a cultural consultant for au pairs (foreign nannies). I have also found great joy in my educational journey which has allowed me to study Education, Intercultural Studies and Theology. The background of these degrees means that I love to see how people learn and learn new things myself explore and experience different cultures (especially the food) and pursue God as he reveals himself through general and special revelation

What is it like working with students at GCU?

Working with students at GCU is my dream job. The diversity that GCU has represented in its student body makes my heart happy. GCU is a very special place where you have people from different faith, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds all together sharing a campus and classes. I have the privilege of teaching general education classes where I may share the gospel message for the first time with students, along with teaching our upper division College of Theology classes for people who are called into Christian Ministry. It is very unique to be in a place where I get to do both of those things on a weekly basis.

Tell us about your call to work for Grand Canyon University.

I believe that God calls you to be a certain type of person and that he is more concerned with character than he is with what particular vocations or ministries that we are in. When Paul is speaking to the church at Galatia he says, “… when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles…” We can see here that this verse is telling us that God desires for us to reflect the character of Jesus Christ as our primary calling in the Christian life.

What do you think is important about the idea of remaining “United in Focus”?

In Ephesians 4, we see that we should have unity in the body of Christ. Within the text, we also see that there is space for a diversity of giftings and a call for maturity. Unity is important within the body, but never to the extent of uniformity. Unity means that we should be allowed to have our own personalities and giftings which grow together into the body of Christ. As the body of Christ, we can be united in focus without becoming uniformly like one another.

What advice would you give to those that desire to pursue a career using a Christian Studies degree?

As stated, God desires for us to be a certain type of person. The type of person who loves God and loves people. The type of person who fears the Lord and obeys his commandments. The type of person who reflects the character of God.

Studying the word of God deeply has the ability to expand both head and heart knowledge. As people called by God to have the Son of God revealed in them, head and heart knowledge propel us forward in our command to love God and people. I would encourage every Christian and particularly those who want to pursue ministry, to focus first and foremost on their own character development; allowing knowledge and love of God to transform their lives.

At Grand Canyon University, our faculty is committed to the success of all students. To learn more about our College of Theology, please visit our website or use the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.