Peru Mission Trip Report: June 2016

GCU students and faculty on a mission trip to Peru

Our Grand Canyon University team arrived in Peru on June 7. After spending a day in the capital city, we headed north for nine hours on a bus to the city of Trujillo. A short hour-and-a-half trip on a different bus brought us to the town of Cartavio.

We are in the third year of a partnership with the church in Cartavio, and our students shared their testimonies, sang and got to know the youth of the church and the community. The church hosted a medical clinic in which our nursing and pre-med students were able to give general information on healthy blood pressures, glucose levels and disease prevention. 

By far, the most encouraging days all around were when the clinics went to the central mercado. There is no grocery store in Cartavio, no clothing store nor just about anything else; everything comes from the central mercado so everyone goes to the central mercado.

Our team set up outside the market in a public park, and word soon spread that American “doctors” were seeing patients in the park for free. As the line formed, we were sure to let them know that we were doing blood pressure checks and that we were not doctors, but would help as we could.

They may not have believed us for very long, however.

Shortly after the line formed, workers from the county health department saw the long lines and without a word, they swooped in and began offering free flu shots! While some of our team used their medical skills, others sang or played guitar or asked people how they could pray for them – and pray for them, they did!

Our plans for next year in Cartavio are to invite a pair of doctors to join us and other like-minded churches in the area to make the clinic much more comprehensive and community wide.

Grand Canyon University students, staff and faculty participate in mission trips each year to deliver the hopeful message of Jesus Christ and experience God’s heart for the nations. To learn more about our Christian identity and mission, visit our website or contact us using the Request More Information button at the top of the page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
