Prayer Ministry: An Interview with Dr. Mark Kreitzer

Two female students pray together

Dr. Mark Kreitzer is the World Missions professor for the College of Theology. Over the course of his experience with Grand Canyon University, he and his wife have been powerful pillars of prayer. They have begun prayer initiatives for the campus, led First Friday prayer sessions and maintained an active devotion to praying for the faculty members and students within the College of Theology.

For this reason, we reached out to them with the hope of establishing a consistent prayer ministry for the instructors, students and administrative staff within the College. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Kreitzer in order to gather their vision for the prayer ministry.

What is your vision for the prayer ministry?

God’s work done God’s way will never lack God’s resources. Until we really realize how much we need the Lord, we don’t pray. We would like to see us pray for the students, for each other and for key university needs. We would like to try to integrate some Scripture into it so that we can see some of the promises that we can stand upon as we pray. That is why we have been praying over the Lord’s Prayer this summer. So there are key passages that we enter into as the foundation stones for the ministry.

In our newsletter this year, we are considering the topic of a daring devotion towards God. How do you find the concept of “A Daring Devotion” to support the vision/mission you have for the prayer ministry?

I love the idea of “A Daring Devotion.” Most often Christians have just a passing vision for God and prayer. However, daring we are called to do mighty things for God because he has called us. James 4:2-3 states that “You do not have because you do not ask God.” Sometimes we are kept from praying because we never feel as though we have a need. But God says, if we don’t dare to step out and ask him for those great things, then we will never receive those great things.

What advice would you provide to students that may not see prayer as an important aspect in life or within their relationship with God?

It is absolutely imperative because prayer flows out of our utter dependence upon the Lord’s grace and his strength. If we don’t pray we are trusting in ourselves. As we come to the end of our own strength, Paul says that’s when we come to trust in God (2 Cor. 1:8-11). So, God brings us into the utter sense of need so that we will cry out of need and get others to pray for us.

As the College of Theology, it is our hope that students, instructors, administrative staff and local ministry partners will be blessed through this ministry. We are excited to see it grow and the vision expands as we dare to devote our hearts, minds, souls, and strengths towards God through the ministry of prayer. Take a look at our Prayer Schedule below and feel free to pray along with us!

– Friday, September 7 at 7-8 am

– Friday, October 5 at 7-8 am

– Friday, November 2 at 7-8 am

– Friday, December 7 at 7-8 am

At Grand Canyon University, our faculty is committed to the success of all students. To learn more about our College of Theology, please visit our website or use the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.