Preparing for Ministry at Grand Canyon Theological Seminary

By Jason Hiles, PhD

Seminary students studying together

Seminary students will be wise to prepare faithfully for ministry in a way that does not disqualify them from service after graduation. This preparation will require attention to the academic, spiritual and professional aspects of ministerial training. This will also require careful attention to one’s life and doctrine during what may be a lengthy season of preparation.

An academic program that prepares ministers must provide a breadth and depth of theological knowledge while developing character and skill for ministry. This basic approach enables students to grasp the practical value of theological concepts while learning how to apply those concepts in real life situations.

A theology degree, however, should not be earned simply to gain “head knowledge.” Rather, a student should pursue theological understanding in conjunction with personal spiritual growth and development.

As we seek to understand God’s Word, we must also strive to grow in our relationship with God and others. In other words, the study of God’s Word should transform your life, enabling you to more fully and faithfully love the Lord and serve those around you.

Graduate students should view their program of study as a training ground for ministry, and should therefore ask practical questions when they are studying the various courses they will take. Students should know that they will be expected to commit themselves to deep thinking and consistent devotional practice throughout the course of their studies.

Grand Canyon Theological Seminary’s programs place significant emphasis on the spiritual and professional formation of its students. While its programs aim to offer rigorous academic courses of study, they also endeavor to integrate a robust commitment to developing the whole student in coordination with local churches, within the context of mentoring relationships and through required supervised ministry experiences.

Each of the seminary’s programs directs significant attention at the inward formation of Christ-like character and the cultivation of an ability to minister with wisdom and sensitivity in specific ministerial contexts and as leaders within the public domain.

Grand Canyon Theological Seminary is part of Grand Canyon University’s College of Theology. To learn more, visit our website or contact us using the Request More Information button.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
