Responding to God’s Call to Pursue Global Ministry

A man surrounded by a group of happy children

Have you considered pursuing a ministry vocation in the global context? Doing so can be very rewarding, as you share the love of Christ across cultures. Here are some things to keep in mind if you feel God has called you to go to global ministry.

Understanding God’s Mission

When it comes to making an impact for Christ across the globe, it is important to understand God’s mission. God has a heart for the nations. Mark 16:15 says, “He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’”

As the Creator of the universe, God longs for a relationship with us. He sent His son to die for us so that we might have eternal life, and as Christians, we are called to share this good news with others. Knowing Christ is among the greatest blessings. Therefore, we are to share this blessing with those we encounter.

God calls everyone to different kinds of ministry in order to accomplish His mission. While some are called to local ministry, others are called to ministry in cross-cultural settings. Jesus’ ministry gives us the perfect example to follow. He formed relationships with all kinds of people and showed them love, and He calls us to join him in doing so.

Preparing for Global Ministry

Due to cultural differences, it is important to be well-prepared before going into global ministry. Those who serve Christ on the mission field must have a strong foundation in God’s Word, and be knowledgeable about different world religions, evangelism and Christianity as it relates to today’s culture. In addition, they must be equipped with skills such as critical thinking, leadership and global awareness. As a result, they can be influential in their ministry and apply God’s Word to a variety of contexts.

A well-rounded theological education can provide one with the knowledge and skills necessary for faithful ministry. For example, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies with an Emphasis in Global Ministry can help one to develop Christ-like character and the ability to minister with wisdom and sensitivity. For those who are already working in the field but want to deepen their knowledge as it pertains to global ministry, earning a graduate certificate of completion or Master of Divinity may be a great option.

Through serving God on the mission field, eyes can be opened, hearts can be strengthened and lives can be changed for Christ around the world. Ultimately, by responding to God’s call to go serve Him, we can bring Him glory.

The Grand Canyon Theological Seminary is home to all of the graduate programs in the College of Theology, offering training rooted in biblical truth in order to develop leaders for Christ. To learn more about GCTS, visit our website.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.