Rethink, Rework, Realign: Our Revision Journey, Part 1

By Todd Forrest
Faculty, College of Theology 

people walking

After serving at Fountain Hills Christian Center for five years, it was time.

Time to pause, rethink why we do what we do, recalibrate who we are and realign with our vision to assure we are being all we feel God has called us to be.

As a lead pastor, as with many vocations, it is easy to look at something so often we stop seeing it. What I mean is that we get so accustomed to how things are, we no longer actively see what things can become.

We begin to settle instead of striving for excellence.

For example, when I first visited my church, I noticed a small rip in the carpet over in the corner of the lobby. I made a mental note to get that fixed. Well, diving into a new church, new vision, new relationships and a long list of dreams and challenges to tackle, everything just cannot be done.

I had a friend visit me a couple weeks ago. When I asked for an honest critique of my church, one of the things mentioned was that same rip in the carpet.

I hadn’t noticed it in years!

This happens in our attention to relationships, our programs that promote discipleship, our personal disciplines as ministry practitioners and the overall nature of a vision to reach and train people entrusted to us by God.

Therefore, I want to share my journey with you.

We needed to revise our church to ensure we were meeting the mark when it came to maximum effectiveness as we handle this precious gift of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to share with our world.

As you assess your ministry context, I trust the upcoming thoughts I will be sharing will assist you to be all that God has called you to be for maximum effectiveness, whether in pastoral, support or nonprofit ministry.

Check back next week for Part 2 of Todd Forrest’s inspiring posts. For similar articles about Christian Life, check out our Faith and Living category on the blog under Menu.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
