Songs of Love and Grace: A Student Response to Worship Songwriters Showcase

By Caleb Keck
College of Theology Student Worker, Worship Arts with an Emphasis in Worship Ministry

three girls playing instruments

On the eve of Canyon Worship’s first national EP release, Dr. Jason Hiles, dean of the Grand Canyon University’s College of Theology, opened the night with a prayer of thanks and praise.

This was quite fitting for the Worship Songwriters Showcase, which provided a platform for songs created by students from the Worship Arts program. What a perfect way to springboard this thrilling EP release!

With lights in place, sound engineers standing by and performers each waiting their turn, the night began. Songs of love, grace, surrender and triumph filled the air. Each musician gave a brief explanation of the song’s background and their own hope and intentions for the listener.

Without fail, each melody settled into the ears of the spectators and then down into their hands and feet as they couldn’t help but tap along with the beat. The presentation flowed smoothly, one song into the next, and not one person in attendance left without a smile on their face.

As a student in the Worship Arts program, I enjoyed getting the chance to sit back and hear my friends share their hearts and talents. It isn’t often that I get to hear everyone’s songs with our busy class schedules and extracurricular undertakings.

I am encouraged by the students’ focus on God and reaching others for the Kingdom. This was an enjoyable evening that I know is the start of an incredible movement of God across GCU and soon across the nation, with music as a means to reach hearts.

To learn more about Canyon Worship’s first EP release, click here.

More About Caleb:


Caleb is a student worker for the College of Theology at Grand Canyon University. He is working toward his Bachelor of Arts in Worship Arts with an Emphasis in Worship Ministry. He is an Air Force veteran of seven years and seeks to draw hearts nearer to God through music.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.