Spotlight Program: Theology Minor Programs

person holding bible on their lap

The College of Theology at Grand Canyon University serves the evangelical community and reaches a broad interdenominational community of likeminded Christian congregations and organizations. The College of Theology celebrates our unity in Jesus Christ grounded in biblical truth. The college welcomes students who stand firm on the trustworthy Word of God and embrace the denominational diversity that characterizes the GCU community.

At GCU, theological training cultivates strong Christian character and is based upon the college’s three pillars of being gospel centered, church focused and mission oriented. Students can pursue their calling in Christian ministry and service in a learning environment that fosters growth in knowledge and wisdom, character development, unity in Christ and love for one another.

The College of Theology offers theology minor programs for students who want to deepen their biblical, theological and spiritual understanding. In conjunction with a degree program, the following three minors provide students with a well-rounded education.

Christian Studies Minor

Students gain ethical knowledge while exploring the virtues and habits that shape Christian character and morality. The Christian Studies minor complements foundational teachings introduced in Christian Worldview. Students engage in basic biblical and theological understandings with an emphasis on discipline and character development.

Biblical Studies Minor

While earning this minor, students learn basic knowledge of the Bible and the ability to effectively interpret scripture. This minor is for students who want to understand the Bible more fully and faithfully. Coursework surveys the Bible, introduces principles and practices for sound interpretation and applies interpretive skills to major divisions of the Bible.

Worship Arts Minor

Students pursuing this minor develop a biblical theology of worship and explore historical and contemporary approaches to worship. In preparation to serve in a worship leadership role, students learn character and leadership skills for a faithful, fruitful worship ministry. This minor enables students to serve within the church and other Christian worship environments.

Want to learn more about GCU’s College of Theology? Visit our website or contact us today by pushing the Request More Information button at the top of the page!

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