Student Spotlight: Trevor Dautzenberg

man holding a book on his chest

Meet Trevor Dautzenberg. He is a student at Grand Canyon University and studying Christian studies. Learn more about him in our interview below:


Tell us about yourself! What are you currently involved in and what are your future career goals?

I am currently a senior here at Grand Canyon University with a major in Christian studies with an emphasis in youth ministry. My graduation date is set for April and after I graduate, I will be attending the Residency Institute at Christ’s Church of the Valley (CCV) in June and earning a master’s degree with them!

What do you think is important about the idea of remaining “United in Focus”?

Remaining in focus to me means staying on task with what is going on right now and not being super focused on the future. I am focusing on finishing here at Grand Canyon before going onto the rest of my life. It’s holding strong to the assignments, tasks, quizzes, papers and all the madness that right now has me flustered but remembering that it is all training me for the future.

Tell us about some of your favorite courses and instructors at GCU?

I’ve been extremely thankful to past me for choosing the youth emphasis because the youth classes are my favorite. I’ve loved the books we’ve been given to read along with the assignments that really zone in on the things that you will encounter in youth ministry. My favorite class of all time was Christian Character Formation with Dr. Brandt. He made the class so much fun and I feel like up until now it’s the most I’ve taken away from a class.

If you could give one piece of advice to a current student, what would that be and why?

If I could give advice to a student here at GCU, it would be to reach out to everyone you come in contact with here. Whether it be in your classes, your dorm or your passing, these students will be who you find a lot of things in common with and keep friendships with, even far away. I made two friendships during my first year here at orientation and even though they might not still attend the school, we are still friends and hang out when they are in town. I’ve grown very close to the people in my youth emphasis because we all have to take the same classes and we treat each other like a family.

At Grand Canyon University, our faculty is committed to the success of all students. To learn more about our College of Theology, please visit our website or use the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.