Summer Spiritual Challenge: Basics of Sharing Our Faith

Robert Krise, MDiv
Faculty, College of Theology

Two young adults reading scripture together.

Every Christian, even me, has both a vision of specific tasks God has for them throughout their lives and foundational tasks that are basic to the faith. When Jesus met with His disciples after He rose from the dead, He told them that they were to make disciples. Called the Great Commission, the twenty-eighth chapter of Matthew contains the charge for Christians to make disciples, and this starts with introducing others to Christ. The primary responsibility for the Christian is to be able to explain to others how to have a relationship in Christ. People need to hear the Good News.

The Plan

What makes things worse, other Christians gave their opinions as to how to do it and how often it had to happen. To be fair, having the ability to explain the gospel to others is vitally important and there are several tools that help the Christian develop a method to be able to do that. The Christian needs to be able to tell others that without Christ, they are sinners and are separated from God. They are saved if they confess that they are sinners and ask Christ to forgive them, placing their faith in Christ for their salvation. This does not need to be complicated, but complete enough to present the truth.

The Motivation

Once we embrace the realization of this truth, the practice of sharing our faith can be a little intimidating. We can get lots of advice from our brothers and sisters in the faith about the quality and quantity of faith sharing that is acceptable. Here is where I want to offer some wisdom from God’s word and years of walking with Christ on this subject. First, I want to encourage you to rest in Christ as to the timetable of becoming “fluent” in sharing the gospel. It takes time to develop a natural way of sharing your faith and seeing an opportunity to do so.

Second, I want to remind you that you are His workmanship and He is the One who prepared the activities we are to work in before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 2:10). I bring this up because we have lots of voices in our lives. We need to participate in both activities, sharing the good news of Jesus and walk with Jesus in obedience, allowing God to have His will in our lives.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
