Theology Thursday: Do Not Let Your Heart Be Afraid!

A blacksmith working with metal

There are a few passages that help bring things into perspective for every Christian. Romans 8:28 says, “and we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” While John 14:27 says, “My peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful (afraid).”

These words bring great joy to my heart, as my mom used to sing them as she played the piano when I was a kid. These words sing loudly to me when I am in a troubled position in my life or in a time of struggle. It is amazing how God brings joy in the midst of struggles when we are brought back to His words.

I recently saw a blacksmith work on an iron rod. As he heated the iron I reflected on these passages from Romans and the book of John. We are never guaranteed to live a life free of struggles and heartaches. They will always happen at some point in our lives. I was reminded by this blacksmith as he explained that when the iron is at its hottest point it is the easiest to mold, mend and shape. In other words, he can make it into whatever he would like to make it into. He also explained that if he does not do anything with the iron while it is hot, it will eventually go back to its old shape when it cools off.

This rings loudly in my heart. I realized that all things work together for good if I trust God and allow Him to give me His peace in the midst of my sorrows and struggles in life. While I am in the fire he is able to mold me, mend me and shape me into who He wants me to be. If I decide to do things my own way and in my own strength and I do not learn from my struggles and sorrows, my iron begins to go back to the same shape that it was before. In other words, as soon as I get back to my old ways I cool off and I am not able to be mended, shaped and formed.  I am now the same old person that I always was and I did not learn from my heart aches.

Are you dealing with heart ache, struggles and troubles in your life right now? Are you wondering why you are having to deal with certain things in your life at this time? Do you look at these things as opportunities to be molded, mended and shaped into who God wants you to be? Meditate this week and reflect on Romans 8:28 and John 14:27. Trust that all things will work together for you as you are called according to His purpose. Trust that He will give you His perfect peace! Do not let your heart be troubled or let it be afraid!

Grace and Peace,
Matt Hampton

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
