Theology Thursday: Today Is a Good Day to Die

A woman walking joyfully on reflective water

Over 44,000 suicides in America every year (, reveal that people are afraid of both life and death. Life can be a struggle, life can have pain, but there is also much pleasure, happiness, and comfort in our lives. From a Christian perspective, there is an old song that echoes, “Jesus is the joy of living, He’s the dearest friend I know.” This strikes at the core of life’s value, relationships. It is not what we have or achieve in life that gives life light and color, it is the people with whom we live it. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10) The Christian life is not a list of rules for the “do’s” and “do not's” of life, it is sharing life with our Creator and living in this relationship daily. It is a source of hope, comfort, and purpose no matter what life throws at us.

There will be an end of life for everyone. Where will you spend eternity? While what we do on earth is important, the most important decision we make is whether or not to allow Jesus to be the master of our lives. He forgives our sins. He gives us a new path in life. He helps us in our weaknesses. It is the assurance we have been given throughout the Bible that there is hope today and for all eternity.

I trust we all live through today, but today can be a good day to die with an assurance of where eternity will be spent. If you want more information about this relationship with Jesus or are struggling with your purpose for living, please email me or contact the Spiritual Life office. You have a great life and promised hope for eternity!

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
