Theology Thursday: Two Questions for Everyone

By Paul R. Raabe, Faculty

group having conversations about the gospel

As humans, we live in many different lands with many different ethnicities and nationalities. We have many different languages and abilities. We come from many different cultures and income levels. We follow many different religions. With so many differences, how can Christians and non-Christians talk about the most significant things? We want to share the gospel with them; and rightly so. But there is a possibility that sometimes we try to get to the gospel too quickly. Our talks go from zero to sixty in three seconds. 

Points of Connection for Christians and Non-Christians

In the face of that temptation, two approaches seem wise. First, our actions speak louder than words. As disciples of Jesus, we are called not to be served but to serve others in their need. We relate to others by our actions.

In addition to our actions, we Christians want to share with non-Christians the most significant things and eventually bring the good news of Jesus, the Savior of sinners, to people. Before beginning that conversation about the gospel, it is good to start with some foundational questions that apply to every human creature on planet Earth, regardless of our many differences.

The Question of Provision

The first question is simply this: Do you thank the One who provides you with all things to support your body and life? What do you have that you have not received from outside of yourself? While the Apostle Paul asked this question of the Christians in Corinth, it is a good question also for non-Christians, and it can begin a good conversation (1 Corinthians 4:7). Fields of wheat and corn and vegetables and fruit trees and many other kinds of food grow in every land on the planet. Everyone on Earth receives at some level. Everything you have to sustain your life comes to you from outside of yourself — food and drink and air — everything. Whom do you thank for all this?

The Question of Responsibility

The second question is this: What will you say to your Maker and Judge? You did not make yourself. You are not an accident of some arbitrary and impersonal process. Your Maker made you. He knit you in your mother’s womb. And one day He will hold you to account. Your Maker has the right to judge you. Why? Because the potter has the right to judge the pots he made. One day you will have to face your Maker and Judge and give an account of yourself and your life. What will you say to your Maker and Judge?

We Christians relate to others by our actions and by our words. When it comes to our speech, we eventually want to spread the gospel. For that purpose, it is important to ask fundamental questions and engage in some basic conversations. The Apostle Paul explored these two questions above (Acts 14:15-17; 17:24-31; Romans 1-3). They can lead to a meaningful conversation with anyone and eventually prepare for the gospel proclamation.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.