Trending Faith: Is Christianity Dwindling in Numbers?

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On this week’s Trending Faith, College of Theology Dean Jason Hiles, PhD, and GCU’s Pastor and Dean of Students Tim Griffin sat down to discuss whether Christianity is losing ground in numbers both in the United States and around the world.

Dr. Hiles agreed with Pastor Tim that the Southern and Eastern hemispheres have become hotbeds of increased Christian activities and worship.

“It’s one thing to say I’m something. It’s another thing to be something,” said Dr. Hiles, who also notes that, biblically, “born again” means something has happened to you and affected your being and soul, while Jesus notes you need to be born from above and from the Holy Spirit.

“That’s not something you say, that’s something that’s happened to you,” he said.

Dr. Hiles also describes our country’s past as sometimes having advantageous effects toward declaring your Christianity, whereas today’s culture appears to offer several perceived negative connotations toward being Christian. This leads Dr. Hiles to believe the statistics may indicate one thing quantitatively, but that “quality vs. quantity” in terms of growth could lead to a stronger church.

“I’m hopeful,” he said. “But these are different days in the United States.”

Hear their full answers by watching the video below:

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.