Trending Faith: How Can I Understand the Trinity?

folded hands on an open bible

“The Trinity is one of those Christian teachings that tends to be very overwhelming. When we talk about how do I understand the Trinity, it’s sort of like saying: how do I understand God’s essential nature? And it feels intimidating, overwhelming and inaccessible.”

On this week’s Trending Faith, Dean of the College of Theology Dr. Jason Hiles and GCU Pastor Tim Griffin spoke about the Trinity from both theological and pastoral standpoints. Both agree that God wants to build a relationship with us and wants to be accessible to us.

“The God of the Bible is entirely accessible and wants to be known,” Dr. Hiles said.

Watch the video to learn more.

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Want to hear more from Dr. Hiles? Take a look at his blog post, “Theology and Ministry Grounded in Biblical Truth.” If you would like the chance to hear your questions answered, email them to

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.