Trending Faith: Jesus as Part of the Christian Worldview

girl praying

The topics of ethics and moral teachings were the subjects of this week’s Trending Faith discussion between Dean of the College of Theology Jason Hiles, PhD, and GCU Pastor and Dean of Students Tim Griffin.

“The motivation to actually express your love for God through the way you live your life is very uniquely Christian,” explained Dr. Hiles.

While there might be some things that overlap in the general moral compass, he continued, Jesus is the motivation for why we act the way we do. As Christians, we stand apart from those who may just have an “ethical” life and hope that it gains them the love of God, because our understanding of the love of God gives us the motivation to serve Him by our actions and what kind of life He has commanded us to live.

Hear the full discussion by watching this week’s episode:

[link url="Mo7SKazgMpE" class="youtube"]Text[/link]

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