Trending Faith: Understanding Public Healing

Jesus helping someone

Is public healing possible? Or is it a hoax?

During this week’s Trending Faith, Dean of the College of Theology Jason Hiles, PhD, and Grand Canyon University Pastor and Dean of Students Tim Griffin sat down to answer this question.

“There’s a disposition in the Western world to deny the supernatural,” Dr. Hiles said. “We tend to rely on chiropractors and physicians, where at some points, we should probably just ask God to bring healing and trust that He will.”

Dr. Hiles and Pastor Tim were in agreement that we can be drawn into the supernatural. Dr. Hiles also spoke about Jonathan Edwards, who wrote about having some of these powerful experiences with God.

“If it’s not Christ-focused, if it’s not helping people come into a real relationship with Jesus Christ, it probably is a little more about the person doing the work, a little more about the ministry they’re trying to fund, so I think Edwards had some insights that are really helpful for us there,” Dr. Hiles explained.

During His work, Jesus wasn’t just healing bodies, but He was also healing people spiritually and letting them know their sins were forgiven. He healed the whole person.

Hear the full conversation, including from Pastor Tim, from watching the video:

[link url="yK2GzrHQKUs" class="youtube"]Text[/link]

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.