Trending Faith: Why Didn’t Jesus Write a Gospel?

scroll and feather pen

In this episode of Trending Faith, Dean of the College of Theology Jason Hiles, PhD, and University Pastor and Dean of Students Tim Griffin, EdD, address why Jesus didn’t write a gospel. To begin the discussion, Dr. Hiles explains that there is wisdom in the way that God compiled the scriptures, such as through the Old and New Testaments and the types of writing used in each.

He continues to say that, at the end of the book of Luke, Jesus refers to the Old Testament at two points to convey that the law, prophets and psalms were about him. Then, we see the apostles and those learning from them writing things down as firsthand testimony. However, Jesus also authorized those apostles to speak on his behalf. Therefore, the Old and New Testaments focus on the message of Christ.

Additionally, the spirit of God was continually present and inspiring the creation of the scriptures through the prophets of the Old Testament and the apostles of the New Testament. Also, we see a close alignment between what the Father, Son and Spirit are doing in the scriptures. In fact, the Spirit’s work is referred to as if Christ is guiding it in some cases. Dr. Hiles concludes the discussion by stating that when one looks at the scripture, one can see that it centers on Christ and that his words are expressed throughout the texts.

Watch the video below to hear the full discussion:

[link url="BvC3nntUeTU" class="youtube"]Text[/link]

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