Worship Arts Rising Talent Spotlight: Katie Brown

Katie Brown

Katie Brown is a truly outstanding artist. She is full of both boldness and humility, and she is utilizing her passions and talents for God’s glory in GCU’s worship arts program. She recently released her first extended play (EP), “On My Knees,” with six original tracks that are now available on Spotify, iTunes and Google Play. In a recent interview, Katie looks back at the creation of her EP and reflects on how her time at GCU has grown her to where, and who, she is today.

Creating an EP in the GCU Recording Studio

In reflecting, Katie shared how this EP started her senior year of high school as she played around with writing songs. By the end of her freshman year at GCU, she decided to record two of the songs that she had written in her songwriting class that year. The process became much more serious as she finished recording the EP in the GCU Recording Studio.

Upon its release, Katie said that the overarching message from her music is that God is with us. There are songs about brokenness, sadness and pain that we all go through, as well as songs about being humble and proclaiming God’s glory. Though each song is a little different, they all elude to God’s presence and nearness, which as Katie points out, “gives us so much hope, because we were created to be with God.” She describes this truth of God’s closeness as a “piece of heaven,” since we will ultimately always be in His presence, desiring Him, without the distractions we face now.

Serving in Worship Ministry at GCU and Church

Using her talents and training, Katie has already been working in worship ministry. Her sophomore year at GCU, she became an apprentice on the Chapel worship team where she observed the dynamics and responsibilities of being a part of the team. This year, however, Katie is serving as a co-leader and has learned a great deal about following the Lord with boldness and not being ruled by timidity. She drew a lot her of new perspective from learning to speak in front of people, leading prayers and guiding her team just as Moses did when God asked him to lead. Her desire in this leadership position is to be bold in Christ and obedient in preparation.

Along with the experience on the Chapel worship team, Katie also had the opportunity to be the worship leader last year at a church plant called Valley Life. She described how she really had to jump into this position and learn in the process. She was responsible for schedules, sets, auditions and directing her team. Through striving to simply do her best, Katie learned to rely so much more on God.

Through the creation and completion of her first EP, her time at GCU and in the worship arts program and her experience in the field, Katie has gained confidence and boldness in Christ to continue leading in worship ministry and using her talents and creativity to glorify the Lord.

Download Katie’s EP “On My Knees” or learn more about Grand Canyon University’s College of Theology degree programs by visiting our website or using the Request More Information button.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.