You’re Invited to the Fall Songwriters Showcase!

A student playing a guitar

Every semester, the College of Theology hosts a Songwriters Showcase, giving students in Grand Canyon University’s worship arts program the opportunity to showcase what they have been working on throughout the term.

The showcase gives students the chance to share their original work with an audience of peers, and features original songs created and performed by worship arts students. Performances are unplugged, acoustic and take place in a low-fi, coffee house-style venue.

The overall goal of this event is to provide a listening-based, reflective and contemplative experience led by worship arts students. This semester, the showcase will feature 12 original songs in a variety of genres and styles. Of the 12 songs, about half of them will make it onto the 2017 Canyon Worship album. The selections for this album will come from the 2016 Spring and Fall Songwriters Showcases, and will be recorded in the GCU Recording Studio.

The 2016 Fall Songwriters Showcase will take place on December 5 at Grand Canyon Beverage Company, located on the second floor of the Student Union. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the show will begin at 7 pm. Students, staff and faculty are invited to attend this event and get a glimpse into what GCU worship arts students have been up to this semester!

Grand Canyon University’s College of Theology offers a variety of transformative degrees with real-world relevance. To learn about GCU’s theology degrees, visit our website or use the Request More Information button at the top of the page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.