Cybersecurity Degrees at GCU

Become a Leader in the Cybersecurity Industry Through a Cybersecurity Program at GCU

With the increasing frequency and complexity of cyber threats, organizations are actively seeking skilled professionals to protect their digital assets.1 A cybersecurity major can offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers topics such as network security, ethical hacking, cryptography, risk management and incident response. By pursuing a cybersecurity degree, you will be taught valuable knowledge and practical skills that are highly relevant in today's technology-driven world. 

Cybersecurity is a quickly evolving field, with growing employment opportunities for those armed with the necessary skills and education.1 As the digital landscape continues to develop, the need to protect businesses, government agencies and personal information increases as well. If you have a desire to defend against security risks and cyber-attacks, consider a degree in cybersecurity. 

GCU’s array of cybersecurity degrees can teach you to take proactive and defensive measures against malicious attacks and hackers. The focus is on teaching the hard and soft skills needed to position yourself for a cybersecurity professional role. 

Benefits of Pursuing a Cybersecurity Degree from Grand Canyon University

At GCU, you may benefit from abundant resources and technology, including access to the Cyber Center. This hub offers workshops and immersive hands-on experiences, allowing you to expand your skillset and stay up to date with the latest advancements in cybersecurity. With a focus on providing a supportive and learning experience, GCU offers you the opportunity to develop your skills and prepare for the challenges of the cybersecurity field. 


The College of Engineering and Technology proudly offers degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines that help students prepare for fulfilling careers. Learn more about our college and our programs. 

GCU’s campus has much to offer. Spanning over 300 acres, our campus provides various facilities and labs to help you be successful in your engineering degree. As of August 2021, GCU has added an additional 55,000 square feet of classrooms, offices, study areas, meeting spaces and gathering areas, to further improve the academic environment for our students.

A 2021 survey showed that 88.5% of traditional campus students surveyed feel well supported in GCU’s process of integrating faith, learning and work, which validates our faith initiative while showing room for improvement.2 The GCU campus supports you as a student, both academically, personally and spiritually.


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About 50% of the program coursework are remote labs that you do on your computer. They’re technical. You get to spin up virtual servers and configure actual cybersecurity solutions on your system. It’s very heavy on technology and hands-on practice.

Tyrone Nance Master of Science in Cybersecurity, Class of 2022

56,500 New Jobs

Estimated number of new information security analyst jobs to open from 2021 to 2031.3

Choose an Option That Works For You With Flexible Cybersecurity Courses

Choosing a cybersecurity major is a strategic decision for individuals interested in entering the dynamic field of cybersecurity. GCU offers a variety of on-campus and online cybersecurity degrees at the bachelor’s and master’s level to meet you where you are at. Whether you prefer the convenience of online learning or the on-campus experience, our degree programs offer flexibility to accommodate your schedule and learning preferences.



Cybersecurity Degree FAQs

Whether you are contemplating a career in cybersecurity, exploring educational pathways, seeking answers to specific questions or looking to advance in the field, this section aims to address your concerns.


A cybersecurity degree can provide you with the needed skills to be successful in IT and cyber defense. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook estimates job growth for information security analysts to increase by about 35% from 2021 to 2031, much faster than average, accounting for an estimated increase of 56,500 jobs in the field.3 Upon graduation, you have the opportunity to help meet this growing need. 

Cybersecurity professionals play a crucial role in safeguarding digital systems, networks and data from unauthorized access, breaches and cyber threats. Their responsibilities may include:

  • Identifying vulnerabilities
  • Implementing security measures
  •  Monitoring systems for potential threats
  • Analyzing and responding to security incidents
  • Conducting risk assessments
  • Developing and implementing security policies and protocols 

Cybersecurity professionals work to ensure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information and systems promote cybersecurity awareness. Those in a cybersecurity role must stay apprised on growing dangers and technologies to proactively adapt their strategies and defenses to counter evolving cyber threats.

When it comes to the median salary of a cybersecurity engineer, it's worth noting that the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics considers this role synonymous with information security analysts. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), information security analysts have a median annual salary of $102,600 as of May 2021.4

With the rise in cyberattacks and information security threats, there is a growing need for skilled cybersecurity professionals across various sectors.1 Government agencies, defense firms, financial services and companies handling sensitive data seek expert professionals to protect their systems and information. The 2023 State of Cyber Assets Report (SCAR) analyzed over 291 million cyber assets and attributes across organizations of all sizes.5 As a result, the need for cybersecurity specialists has become increasingly significant in today's landscape.

To pursue a career in cybersecurity, a bachelor's degree in a computer science field is typically required, specifically in information security.1 This degree provides a strong foundation in relevant technical skills and knowledge. Additionally, having related work experience is beneficial. Employers often value practical experience and may prefer candidates who have gained hands-on skills in cybersecurity through internships, projects or previous employment.6 Obtaining professional certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) or Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) are also highly regarded in the field.

The duration to obtain a cybersecurity degree varies depending on the level of the degree and program structure. A bachelor's degree in cybersecurity requires a total of 120 credits for completion with most of the classes being 15 weeks in length. While a master's degree requires a total of 34 credits for completion with most of the classes being eight weeks in length.

Cybersecurity can be a complex field that requires a solid understanding of technology, networking, programming and information security concepts. It involves learning about various threats, attack techniques, defensive strategies and risk management practices. This is a rapidly evolving field, which emphasizes the importance of approaching cybersecurity with a mindset of curiosity, perseverance and a willingness to continuously adapt and improve one's skills.


View Our Bachelor-Level Cybersecurity Degree Programs

cybersecurity student at computer

As someone who’s been in the cybersecurity industry for some time, the coursework and content of the class were well-rounded and directly applicable to my industry.

Tyrone Nance Master of Science in Cybersecurity, Class of 2022

Further Your Career With a Cybersecurity Master’s Degree

Furthering your career with a cybersecurity master's degree can be a transformative step in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity. This advanced degree can equip you with the advanced skills and strategies needed to tackle complex security challenges and emerging threats. By pursuing a cybersecurity master's degree, you have the opportunity to enhance your understanding of cybersecurity principles, policies and practices, which can potentially open doors to leadership positions and expanded job opportunities in the field.

Whether your career aspirations lie in becoming a cybersecurity analyst, consultant, manager or researcher, a master's degree in cybersecurity can equip you with the essential skills and credibility that can contribute to your success in your desired career path.


GCU IT student standing around servers


Career Pathways for Cybersecurity Degree Graduates 

While a bachelor’s degree is sufficient for entry into the cybersecurity field, those with graduate degrees are often better equipped to transition into leadership roles. By pursuing a cybersecurity degree, you can open yourself up to a wide array of career pathways that offer the chance to make a substantial impact in the cybersecurity field. Graduates have the opportunity to explore diverse roles, including positions such as:

  • Computer and information systems manager
  • Computer systems analyst
  • Information security analyst
  • Computer network architect
  • Database architect
  • Software developer
  • Software quality assurance analyst and tester
  • Data scientist
  • Network and computer systems administrator

With the growing need for skilled cybersecurity professionals across industries, you can have the chance to contribute to protecting data and systems in this dynamic field.



Median annual salary for information security analysts as of May 2021.3


1 Adegunwa, Adeola (2023, Feb. 27). Growing Demand For Skilled Cybersecurity Workforce In This Digital Age. Information Security Buzz. Retrieved on July 1, 2023. 

 2 COVID-19 has adversely affected the global economy and data from 2020 and 2021 may be atypical compared to prior years. The pandemic may impact the predicted future workforce outcomes indicated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics as well. Accordingly, data shown is effective September 2022, which can be found here: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Information Security Analysts, retrieved on Feb. 22, 2023. 

3 The earnings referenced were reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Information Security Analysts as of May 2021, retrieved on July 1, 20233. Due to COVID-19, data from 2020 and 2021 may be atypical compared to prior years. The pandemic may also impact the predicted future workforce outcomes indicated by the BLS. BLS calculates the median using salaries of workers from across the country with varying levels of education and experience and does not reflect the earnings of GCU graduates as information security analysts. It does not reflect earnings of workers in one city or region of the country. It also does not reflect a typical entry-level salary. Median income is the statistical midpoint for the range of salaries in a specific occupation. It represents what you would earn if you were paid more money than half the workers in an occupation, and less than half the workers in an occupation. It may give you a basis to estimate what you might earn at some point if you enter this career. You may also wish to compare median salaries if you are considering more than one career path. Grand Canyon University can make no guarantees on individual graduates’ salaries as the employer the graduate chooses to apply to, and accept employment from, determines salary not only based on education, but also individual characteristics and skills and fit to that organization (among other categories) against a pool of candidates.

4 JupiterOne (2023). The 2023 State of Cyber Assets Report. Retrieved on July 1, 2023. 

5 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2022, Sept. 8). Occupational Outlook Handbook: Information Security Analysts. 

6 Grand Canyon University (2021). One Foundation: Grand Canyon University. Retrieved on July 3, 2023. 

Our degree programs are designed to provide the skills and credentials needed to advance your career. Find a degree that aligns with your career goals.