Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with an Emphasis in Big Data Analytics

Offered By: College of Engineering and Technology

BS in Computer Science

Grand Canyon University’s Bachelor of Science in Computer Science prepares students for career options which include computer systems analyst, networks specialist, database manager, programmer and software engineer. Students learn algorithms, discrete structures, programming languages, software development, networks, operating systems and computing systems fundamentals. Students also learn professional and ethical practices associated with computing through the lens of our Christian worldview. Students will explore the problems and trends associated with the management of huge volumes of data, gaining fundamental knowledge in the design of highly scalable systems that can collect, process, store and analyze large volumes of unstructured data.

Competencies include large scale data processing, data mining and interpretation, pattern analysis and data-based decision making. This program integrates math, chemistry, physics and biology and emphasizes critical thinking, real-world application and practical project experience. In addition, students develop valuable workplace skills, including effective communication, teamwork, initiative, strong work ethic, analytical skills, adaptability and self-confidence. Students entering the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program should possess knowledge of algebra and common office software applications. To view more information regarding courses and requirements, visit our Academic Catalog.

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with an Emphasis in Big Data Analytics program is accredited by the Computer Science Accreditation Commission of ABET.

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Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • Pursue life-long learning by embracing new developments and technologies in Computer Science.
  • Exhibit ethical decision making consistent with their faith-based education within a professional context.
  • Exhibit ethical decision making consistent with their faith-based education within a professional context.
  • Serve professional communities by developing applications that advance institutional needs and promote the common good.
  • Build and manage productive teams.
  • Effectively inform and persuade other across varied cultures and backgrounds within the discipline.

Student Outcomes (SOs)

  1. An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society
  2. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development
  3. An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.
  4. An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices. [cs]
  5. An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity. [cs]

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  1. Mathematics Core - Students will become versed into the most important prerequisite for understanding computing. Students will acquire the knowledge and skill to analytically evaluate problems and formulate solutions with mathematical rigor. This includes definitions, proofs, formal notation, analysis, vector computations, and discrete probability.
    • Apply the fundamentals of mathematics in computer science disciplines.
    • Apply mathematics in the analysis, evaluation of problems and formulation of solutions.
    • Apply an appropriate area of mathematics in the planning, modeling, or design of a portion of a facility, structure, system, process, or product.
  2. Natural Sciences Core - Students learn to apply scientific methods and apply factual methodology to study formal systems. Students study fundamental principles, phenomena, and processes in Molecular Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. The broad science foundation will enable students to better understand the context in which computer-based solutions and tools are developed and utilized.
    • Design, conduct, and report experiments, analyze and interpret data.
    • Employ scientific method and associated inquiry processes to test basic theories as they apply to computer science.
    • Critically manipulate and analyze numerical data and observable facts.
  3. Algorithms and Complexity - Students will be able to define the central concepts and skills required to design, implement, and analyze algorithms for solving computational problems. Algorithms are essential in all advanced areas of computer science such as artificial intelligence, databases, distributed computing, graphics, networking, operating systems, programming languages, and security.
    • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline (ABET 2)
    • Develop and implement algorithms.
  4. Architecture and Organization - Students will develop a deeper understanding of the hardware environment upon which all of computing is based, and the interface it provides to higher software layers. Students will acquire an understanding of a computer system’s functional components, their characteristics, performance, and interactions, and the challenge of harnessing parallelism to sustain performance improvements now and into the future.
    • Develop a program using assembly language that provides a solution to an architectural challenge.
    • Develop software that makes efficient use of system resources.
    • Communicate effectively and convey professional demeanor in a variety of professional contexts (ABET 3).
  5. Computational Science and Discrete Structures - Discrete structures are foundational to computer science. Many areas of computer science require the ability to work with concepts from discrete structures. Discrete structures include set theory, logic, graph theory, and probability theory. Computational Science is a field of applied computer science that is the application of computer science to solve problems across a range of disciplines. Students will use discrete structures and computational science to actively contribute to solutions across a variety of disciplines, including computational biology, computational chemistry, computational mechanics, computational archeology, computational finance, computational sociology and computational forensics.
    • Construct proofs using formal models and discrete structures.
    • Create optimal mathematical models (e.g. graphs, sets, probabilities, etc.) that represent a variety of real-world problems requiring a computational solution.
    • Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions (CS) (ABET 6)
  6. Software Development Fundamentals - Fluency in the process of software development is a prerequisite to the study of most of computer science. Students will be proficient at reading and writing programs in multiple programming languages. Beyond programming skills, however, they must be able to design and analyze algorithms, select appropriate paradigms, and utilize modern development and testing tools. This knowledge area brings together those fundamental concepts and skills related to the software development process.
    • Select and utilize data structures appropriate to a given computational problem.
    • Utilize a variety of design concepts, principles, tools, and problem-solving strategies.
    • Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions (ABET 1)
  7. Professionalism and Ethics - Students will be able to understand the social and professional context of information technology and computing, and adhere to ethical codes of conduct. Students will research the historical, social, professional, ethical and legal aspects of computing. They will identify how teamwork is integrated throughout IT and how IT supports an organization. Students will realize the importance of professional oral and written communication skills.
    • Examine the historical, social, ethical and legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
    • Analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society.
    • Demonstrate professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles (ABET 4)
    • Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline ( ABET 5)
  8. Big Data and Analytics - Students explore and experience some of the major problems and trends associated with the storage of huge volumes of data, its analysis, and the extraction of information relevant to a specific context. Students gain the fundamental knowledge and experience in the design of highly scalable systems that can collect, process, store, and analyze large volumes of unstructured data.
    • Design highly scalable systems to analyze large volumes of data.
    • Assess strengths and weaknesses of scalable systems toward continuous improvement.


Our faculty are committed to bringing their abundant knowledge, enthusiasm, and experience to GCU and its students every day.

Program Faculty


  • Isac Artzi
    Full-time Faculty
    Computer Science
  • William Hurst
    Full-time Faculty
    Computer Science
  • Ricardo Citro
    Full-time Faculty
    Computer Science
  • Lydia Fritz
    Full-time Faculty
    Computer Science
  • James Gordon 
    Ancillary Faculty
    Computer Science
  • Shad Sluiter
    Ancillary Faculty
    Computer Science

Disclosure Categories Related to Professional Licensure

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with an Emphasis in Big Data Analytics

for residents of AL, AK, AS, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FM, FL, GA, GU, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MH, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, MP, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, PW, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VI, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY,


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Not Intended for Licensure

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American Samoa

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This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

District of Columbia

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Federated States of Micronesia

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This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Guam, US Territory

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This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Marshall Islands

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

New Hampshire

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

New Jersey

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

New Mexico

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

New York

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

North Carolina

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

North Dakota

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Northern Mariana Islands

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Puerto Rico

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Republic of Palau

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Rhode Island

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

South Carolina

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

South Dakota

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Virgin Islands

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

West Virginia

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.