Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology: Forensic Psychology Emphasis

Bachelor of Science in Psychology with an Emphasis in Forensic Psychology

Offered By: College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Examine the Human Elements Influencing Law

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology with an Emphasis in Forensic Psychology at Grand Canyon University provides an overview of the intersection of psychology and the criminal justice system. This emphasis program is for those interested in working with people who need assistance coping with the aftereffects of a violent crime, as well as for those curious about the motivators and patterns of criminal behavior.

If you are curious about the causes of crime as well as the role of the legal system and psychology, you may find this career path desirable. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines forensic assessments and interventions as “the application of clinical specialties to the legal arena” or applying clinical psychology skills (assessment, treatment and evaluation) to forensic settings.1

Those with sufficient qualifications in this field may find themselves with a variety of responsibilities, including:

  • Participating in child custody and criminal defendant evaluations
  • Working with juvenile or adult offenders and those suffering from substance abuse
  • Participating in investigations
  • Assisting in psychological screenings and assessments, counseling services and mental healthcare 
  • Facilitating group sessions, crisis management and other evaluations
  • Researching psychology and law connections
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All Psychology Emphases

Earn Your Psychology Degree at GCU

The law enforcement psychology field can be a compelling career choice for those fascinated by human behaviors and the support of victims of crimes. At GCU, you’ll take courses from knowledgeable instructors while being immersed within an academic community that values intelligent discourse and diverse, global perspectives.

Examine core topics in criminal behavior analysis while you work through a curriculum built from the Christian worldview. GCU’s faith-integrated courses encourage our students to emulate godly behaviors and glorify Christ while working toward a career that can make a positive difference in their community.

You can access high-quality education at GCU regardless of your geographical location. This BS in Psychology is available through online courses. Access the coursework from anywhere using our intuitive e-learning platform which also provides opportunities for interaction and collaboration with your fellow learners. Earn your degree in a way that fits your current schedule and lifestyle while preparing to seek employment in crime prevention or research, or to potentially further your career qualifications with a graduate degree in forensics.

As an on-campus student, you can benefit from in-person academic lectures and discussions. Earn your psychology degree while taking advantage of all that our campus has to offer in the heart of Phoenix. From student organizations, clubs and activities to worship services and Christian student groups, GCU’s campus has something for everyone, allowing you to enjoy an enriching experience as a college student while preparing for your future career in psychology.

Total Credits: 120
Campus: 15 weeks
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Online: 7 weeks
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Up to 90 credits, only 84 can be lower division
Campus: $8,250 per semester
[Tuition, Fees and Financial Aid]

Online: $485 per credit
[Tuition, Fees and Financial Aid]

Cost of Attendance

Forensic Psychology Courses: Key Topics

Throughout this degree program, you will have opportunities to gain competencies in a range of areas, which is intended to provide career flexibility. These include:

  • Foundational psychology
  • Scientific inquiry 
  • Critical thinking
  • Ethical and social responsibility
  • Personal and professional development
  • Forensics
  • Human behavior
  • Criminology
  • Abnormal behavior
  • Victimology

This emphasis examines the role of forensics professionals in the justice and psychology fields. While pursuing this bachelor’s degree, you will explore criminological and victimological theories, and you will have the opportunity to apply psychology theories to better understand criminal behavior and propensity. Emphasis areas of study include:

  • Roles, responsibilities and limitations of forensic psychologists
  • How motivations, deviance and abnormal behaviors can contribute to crime
  • Differences between various criminological theories
  • Victim theory to explain patterns of victimization and precipitation of crime

Government and Healthcare

Common industries that hire forensic psychologists2

Career Paths for Graduates With a Focus in Forensics

The intersection of forensic science and psychology encompasses a broad field. Specialists may work in a variety of settings, such as:2,3

  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Research centers
  • Hospitals
  • Police departments
  • Law firms
  • Education institutions
  • Government agencies
  • Prisons/jails

Forensic psychologists may also work alongside police officers, attorneys, defendants, offenders, patients, victims and their families.


Estimated new jobs for psychologists from 2022 to 20324

A bachelor’s degree in psychology that focuses on criminal behavior analysis is a recommended starting point toward becoming a forensic psychologist, which typically requires advanced education.5 With a foundation of competencies in human thought and behavior, individuals may decide to seek a career as a:

  • Social and community service manager
  • Social and human service assistant
  • Community and social service specialist

Other occupational areas may include public and private sector employment.2

Graduate With a Bachelor’s From an Institutionally Accredited University

As an institutionally accredited university, GCU prioritizes the quality of our instruction and curriculum and seeks to cultivate academic excellence in our learning community. GCU has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 1968, continuously meeting the high academic standards for accreditation. Along with our other colleges, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is committed to upholding the principles and standards established by the HLC.

Forensic-Focused Psychology Degree FAQs

As you consider your intended career path and degree options, you may wish to conduct some background research to better inform your decision-making process. The following FAQs and answers can provide a starting point.

Earning a degree that explores psychological profiling is an opportunity to cultivate a deeper understanding of the connection between psychology and the law. As a professional with a background in forensic assessment, you might play an important role by applying insights from past crimes to help prevent future crimes. Psychologists who specialize in forensics can also offer their expertise in civil cases, such as child abuse, custody disputes and insurance claims.

After earning your bachelor’s degree, you will likely need to apply to graduate-level programs to become a forensic psychologist.5 Many states will also require licensure for those working under the title of psychologist. The length of time this might take will vary from one state to the next, and from one candidate to the next. To learn more about how long it may take for you to earn your degree and begin your path to becoming a forensic psychologist, fill out the form on this page.

As a forensic psychologist, some of the individuals you may have to interview or evaluate can become aggressive or threatening. While this career may not be as dangerous as other law enforcement positions, it is important to lean on your skills and instincts, and seek backup when needed.

If you enjoy psychology and research and want to play a role in serving due justice, then earning a forensically focused psychology degree may be worth your consideration. Conducting interviews and evaluations as well as providing evidence and testimony may provide great satisfaction when cases are solved and victims find justice.

Earn a Bachelor’s in Psychology

Explore the world of forensic psychology at GCU.

1 Ward, J. T., PhD. (2013, Sept.). What is forensic psychology? American Psychological Association. Retrieved March 18, 2024.

2 American Psychological Association. (2014). A career in forensic and public service psychology. American Psychological Association. Retrieved March 18, 2024.

3 Clay, R. A. (2009). Postgrad growth area: Forensic psychology. American Psychological Association. Retrieved March 18, 2024.

4 COVID-19 has adversely affected the global economy and data from 2020 to 2022 may be atypical compared to prior years. Accordingly, data shown is effective September 2023, which can be found here: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Psychologists, retrieved March 18, 2024.

5 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2024, Feb. 16). How to become a psychologist. Occupational Outlook Handbook. Retrieved March 18, 2024.

Course List

General Education Requirements:
34-40 credits
64 credits
Open Elective Credits:
16-22 credits
Degree Requirements:
120 credits

General Education Requirements

General Education coursework prepares Grand Canyon University graduates to think critically, communicate clearly, live responsibly in a diverse world, and thoughtfully integrate their faith and ethical convictions into all dimensions of life. These competencies, essential to an effective and satisfying life, are outlined in the General Education Learner Outcomes. General Education courses embody the breadth of human understanding and creativity contained in the liberal arts and sciences tradition. Students take an array of foundational knowledge courses that promote expanded knowledge, insight, and the outcomes identified in the University's General Education Competencies. The knowledge and skills students acquire through these courses serve as a foundation for successful careers and lifelong journeys of growing understanding and wisdom.


Upon completion of the Grand Canyon University's University Foundation experience, students will be able to demonstrate competency in the areas of academic skills and self-leadership. They will be able to articulate the range of resources available to assist them, explore career options related to their area of study, and have knowledge of Grand Canyon's community. Students will be able to demonstrate foundational academic success skills, explore GCU resources (CLA, Library, Career Center, ADA office, etc), articulate strategies of self-leadership and management and recognize opportunities to engage in the GCU community.

Course Options

  • UNV-103, University Success: 4
  • UNV-303, University Success: 4
  • UNV-108, University Success in the College of Education: 4


Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to construct rhetorically effective communications appropriate to diverse audiences, purposes, and occasions (English composition, communication, critical reading, foreign language, sign language, etc.). Students are required to take 3 credits of English grammar or composition.

Course Options

  • UNV-104, 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy: 4
  • ENG-105, English Composition I: 4
  • ENG-106, English Composition II: 4


Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to express aspects of Christian heritage and worldview. Students are required to take CWV-101/CWV-301.

Course Options

  • CWV-101, Christian Worldview: 4
  • CWV-301, Christian Worldview: 4


Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to use various analytic and problem-solving skills to examine, evaluate, and/or challenge ideas and arguments (mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, geology, astronomy, physical geography, ecology, economics, theology, logic, philosophy, technology, statistics, accounting, etc.). Students are required to take 3 credits of intermediate algebra or higher.

Course Options

  • MAT-154, Applications of College Algebra: 4
  • MAT-144, College Mathematics: 4
  • PHI-105, 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: 4
  • BIO-220, Environmental Science: 4


Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to demonstrate awareness and appreciation of and empathy for differences in arts and culture, values, experiences, historical perspectives, and other aspects of life (psychology, sociology, government, Christian studies, Bible, geography, anthropology, economics, political science, child and family studies, law, ethics, cross-cultural studies, history, art, music, dance, theater, applied arts, literature, health, etc.). If the predefined course is a part of the major, students need to take an additional course.

Course Options

  • HIS-144, U.S. History Themes: 4
  • PSY-102, General Psychology: 4
  • SOC-100, Everyday Sociology: 4

Core Courses

Course Description

This foundation course in the science of behavior includes an overview of the history of psychology, the brain, motivation, emotion, sensory functions, perception, intelligence, gender and sexuality, social psychology, human development, learning psychopathology, and therapy.

Course Description

This course serves as a foundation for undergraduates in the field of psychology. Professional skill development, such as an introduction to scientific reasoning, research foundations, critical thinking, literature reviews, and scholarly writing are covered, as well as contemporary ethical issues in the field of psychology. Students have the opportunity to apply guidelines proposed by the American Psychological Association Code of Ethics when exploring topics. Prerequisite: PSY-102.

Course Description

This writing intensive course examines the nature and casual determinants of human behavior, including the definition and scientific measurement of personality. Theories explored include psychodynamic, Neo-Freudian, trait, biological, humanistic, cognitive, and behavioral theories. A Christian worldview offers perspective of nature and human personality. Prerequisite: PSY-102.

Course Description

This course examines child and adolescent psychology through stages of development related to biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes. From conception through adolescence, the nature of child development is explored by discussing theory, research, developmental milestones, attachment, personality, language, moral development, emotions, cultural differences, typical and atypical behaviors, methods of learning, and influences of parenting and environment. An emphasis on research methodology and interpretation is used to analyze the concepts in this class.

Course Description

This course provides a study of social and group factors affecting individual behavior. Attention is given to the development of attitudes, roles, norms, group processes, aggression and cooperation, persuasion, stereotypes and prejudices, and social awareness. The role of culture in social processes is emphasized.

Course Description

This theoretical and research-based course covers psychosocial, emotional, physical, and cognitive aspects of human development from emerging adulthood to death. Theories of development and applications to real-world situations provide a context for understanding how humans transition across stages of adulthood to death. Scientific approaches for studying developmental psychology stress the importance of research methodology and research interpretation. Prerequisite: PSY-102.

Course Description

This course reflects psychology’s growing interest in health-related issues by offering an overview of health psychology from a biopsychosocial model. Topics include theories related to health behavior, stress, pain development and management, in addition to patient adherence. Furthermore, the discussion explores cancer and chronic illness development and management. A review of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), the hospital setting, and effects on patients are examined. Finally, the course examines health-related behaviors such as substance abuse, nutrition, and exercise. Prerequisite: PSY-102.

Course Description

This course provides an examination of the basic theories of criminology including victimology. The course exposes students to the motivators of criminal behavior to better understand crime and those who commit crime.

Course Description

This course is a study of elementary theories of probability, distribution, and testing of statistical hypotheses. Practical experience is provided in the application of statistical methods. Prerequisite: MAT-134, MAT-144 or MAT-154.

Course Description

This course includes an introduction to the experimental study of cognition and neurophysiology. Topics include sensation and perception, memory, learning, language, metacognition, intelligence, problem solving, decision-making, mental imagery, consciousness, attention, and the development of cognition through the life span. Major theoretical perspectives and current research within the fields of cognition and neuroscience are discussed. This course also provides students with a basic understanding of the neural underpinnings of a variety of cognitive processes. Prerequisite: PSY-102.

Course Description

This course is an introduction to the field of forensic psychology. Forensic psychology is where the science of the mind intersects with the law. This course explores the scientific principles of psychology as applied to the legal setting. The role and practice of forensic psychology is explored.

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to criminal liability with an emphasis on the elements of a crime and governmental sanctions of individual conduct as formulated by the legislature and the court system.

Course Description

This course is a laboratory course emphasizing both the theoretical and applied aspects of experimental design and research methodology. A variety of activities are performed in such areas as learning, motivation, and perception. Prerequisite: PSY-380.

Course Description

This course offers an overview of various types of trauma and effects of traumatic experiences within the physical, emotional, sociological, cognitive, and spiritual domains of a human being. It studies the dynamics of trauma throughout the human life-span development. It offers a brief overview of trauma, informed care assessment and treatment, and ethics associated with working with trauma victims.

Course Description

The capstone project is the culmination of learning experiences for students in the psychology program at Grand Canyon University’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Students prepare a written proposal for a research project that focuses on the resolution of an issue or problem significant to professional psychological practice. The proposal includes a problem statement, review of literature, research methods, research questions, limitations, and ethical considerations for the research. The proposal needs to reflect synthesis and integration of course content and professional practice. The capstone project is guided by the baccalaureate program student learner outcomes. This capstone course needs to be completed at the end of program. Prerequisite: PSY-452.

Course Description

This is a writing intensive foundation course in the science of abnormal behavior that offers students the opportunity to study the origin and development of abnormal patterns and disorders. This course is designed to assist students in recognizing and understanding mental illness through increased awareness of emotional, functional, and physiological factors influencing mental health. Specific topics include symptoms, diagnoses, etiology, epidemiology, and treatment of various psychological disorders and syndromes.


GCU Campus Student

Join Grand Canyon University’s vibrant and growing campus community, with daytime classes designed for traditional students. Immerse yourself in a full undergraduate experience, complete with curriculum designed within the context of our Christian worldview.

GCU Online Student

Pursue a next-generation education with an online degree from Grand Canyon University. Earn your degree with convenience and flexibility with online courses that let you study anytime, anywhere.

* Please note that this list may contain programs and courses not presently offered, as availability may vary depending on class size, enrollment and other contributing factors. If you are interested in a program or course listed herein please first contact your University Counselor for the most current information regarding availability.

* Please refer to the Academic Catalog for more information. Programs or courses subject to change.