Additional Disclosures
GCU’s NCLEX-RN Exam Pass Rate for 1st Time Candidates:
MAIN CAMPUS (PHOENIX, AZ): 2024 First-Time Pass Rate = 97.17%
MAIN CAMPUS (PHOENIX, AZ): 2024 First-Time Test Takers = 283
MAIN CAMPUS (PHOENIX, AZ): 2024 First-Time Test Passers = 275
Scientific Underpinnings for Practice - Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Pre-Licensure program are prepared to apply knowledge of the liberal arts and sciences, nursing concepts, theories, and evidence-based practice to provide safe, effective care across the health-illness continuum and the life span to diverse individuals, families, communities, and populations.
- Synthesize knowledge from liberal arts education as a foundation for reflective practice and decision making.
- Apply evidence-based research to nursing practice to make clinical judgments that optimize health outcomes.
Leadership, Policy, and Advocacy - Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Pre-Licensure program will recognize the complexities, including policy and regulation, of the broader context of the health care system and the profession in which they operate. Graduates are able to participate in shared decision making and effectively communicate with and mentor other team members with the goal of optimizing client outcomes in a complex and evolving health care environment. Graduate will be prepared to advocate for just improvements in health care access and advocate for and educate clients.
- Examine health care policy development and the influence of policy on nursing practice and the equitable delivery of cost-effective, quality care.
- Advocate for and educate clients and support their right to safe, compassionate, and holistic nursing care.
- Demonstrate leadership and effective communication skills in effectively coordinating and facilitating safe, effective care on interprofessional teams.
Systems, Safety, and Quality - Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Pre-Licensure program will be able to utilize client care and communication technologies to provide safe, effective, cost-effective care to diverse client populations across the life span. They will also be prepared to participate in quality improvement initiatives to optimize health care delivery processes.
- Use informatics, technology, and data to aid in decision making and improve client outcomes of individuals, families, communities, and populations.
- Compare legislative, regulatory, and financial factors impacting the equitable delivery of effective care and nursing practice within complex health care systems.
- Use quality improvement measures to optimize processes related to delivering safe, cost-effective care.
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention - Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Pre-Licensure program are prepared to provide culturally relevant health promotion and diseases prevention interventions to promote wellness in diverse populations to advance the common good.
- Integrate knowledge of population health and health assessment to develop and implement interventions to promote health and prevent disease in diverse populations.
- Examine the professional and moral obligation of baccalaureate generalist nurses to respect human dignity and advance the common good through working to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations from a Christian perspective.
Analytic Foundations for Practice, Ethics, and Professional Role - Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Pre-Licensure program are prepared to effectively apply the nursing process and skills to deliver evidence-based, client-centered, holistic, and safe care in a variety of situations and settings. They will recognize core nursing values and ethics and the importance of personal commitment to continued education and professional development to advance their own practice and the profession.
- Apply the nursing process to provide safe effective client-centered care across the life span and health-illness continuum.
- Apply appropriate ethical standards to resolve moral and ethical dilemmas in the provision of health care.
- Communicate with clients, building therapeutic relationships to improve health outcomes.
- Manage holistic plans of care that take into account individuals’ preferences and physical, spiritual, and emotional needs.
- Engage in personal and professional development to improve individual practice and contribute to the advancement of the nursing profession.
Our faculty are committed to bringing their abundant knowledge, enthusiasm, and experience to GCU and its students every day.
Program FacultyDisclosure Categories Related to Professional Licensure
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure)
for residents of AL, AK, AS, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FM, FL, GA, GU, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MH, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, MP, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, PW, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VI, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY,
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Alabama. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/12/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Alabama an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Alabama Board of Nursing
RSA Plaza, Ste. 250
770 Washington Ave.
Montgomery, AL, 36104
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Alaska. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/26/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Alaska an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Alaska Board of Nursing
Robert B. Atwood Building
550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1500
Anchorage, AK, 99501-3567
American Samoa
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from American Samoa. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/13/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
American Samoa Health Services Regulatory Board
Department of Health
Pago Pago, AS, 96799
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Arizona. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - Approved by the State
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/19/2025, this program meets the educational requirements for licensure in this state.
Agency Approval Granted
Grand Canyon University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure) program has received approval from the Arizona State Board of Nursing.
Arizona State Board of Nursing
1740 W. Adams St. Suite 2000
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Arizona an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Arizona State Board of Nursing
1740 W Adams - Suite 2000
Phoenix, AZ, 85007
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Arkansas. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/14/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Arkansas an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Arkansas State Board of Nursing
University Tower Bldg.
1123 South University, Suite 800
Little Rock, AR, 72204-1619
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from California. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Transcript Review Required
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/19/2025, an individual applicant’s transcripts are reviewed by the licensure agency in California to determine if the educational requirements for licensure have been met. In addition to educational attainment, the professional licensing agency may consider the applicant’s professional experience, level of educational attainment, background, criminal record, exam scores, etc., to determine if the individual applying for licensure meets the state requirements. Therefore, only the state can determine if the individual graduate meets the requirements for licensure. As a result, GCU cannot make that determination for the state. Individuals with specific questions about this state’s process or regulations are advised to contact the state board to determine if the program will meet the individual’s needs.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in California an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
California Board of Registered Nursing
1747 North Market Boulevard, Suite 150
Sacramento, CA, 95834
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Colorado. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/19/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Colorado an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Colorado Board of Nursing
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350
Denver, CO, 80202
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Connecticut. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 12/31/2024, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Connecticut an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing
410 Capitol Avenue, MS #13 PHO
P. O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT, 06134-0308
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Delaware. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/19/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements one must:
- register for and pass the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Delaware Board of Nursing
Cannon Building, Suite 203
861 Silver Lake Blvd.
Dover, DE, 19904
District of Columbia
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from District of Columbia. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/03/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
Field Placement Requirements
To meet field placement requirements for RN licensure in the District of Columbia one must:
- graduate from a nursing education program that includes a minimum of 650 faculty-supervised clinical practice hours in the following areas:
(a) Foundations;
(b) Medical nursing;
(c) Surgical nursing;
(d) Maternal and newborn health;
(e) Pediatric nursing;
(f) Psychiatric and mental health nursing;
(g) Community health;
(h) Acute care; and
(i) Long-term services.
This program lacks the required 650 field experience hours. Additional information related to the licensure requirements in this location is provided below.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements one must:
- Receive a passing score on the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (NCSBN).
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
D.C. Department of Health - Board of Nursing
2201 Shannon Place SE
Washington, DC, 20020
Federated States of Micronesia
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Federated States of Micronesia. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/07/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
FSM Department of
Health and Social Affairs
Address: P.O. Box PS 70, Palikir, Pohnpei, FM 96941
Tel: (691) 320 2619
Fax: (691) 320 5263
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Florida. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/26/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet exam requirements for the RN license in Florida one must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Florida Board of Nursing
4052 Bald Cypress Way
Bin C-02
Tallahassee, FL, 32399-3252
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Georgia. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/28/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Georgia an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Georgia Board of Nursing
237 Coliseum Drive
Macon, GA, 31217-3858
(844) 753-7825
Guam, US Territory
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Guam, US Territory. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/03/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Guam an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Guam Board of Nurse Examiners
194 Hernan Cortez Avenue
Terlaje Professional Building, Suite 213
Hagatna, GU, 96910
(671) 735-7409
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Hawaii. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/08/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Hawaii an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX in Hawaii
If the applicant has passed the NCLEX in another state, the applicant must first be licensed in that state and then apply for licensure by endorsement in Hawaii.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Hawaii Board of Nursing
Att: BON
P.O. Box 3469
Honolulu, HI, 96801
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Idaho. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 12/23/2024, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Idaho an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
In lieu of the NCLEX, the Board may accept documentation that the applicant has taken and successfully passed the State Board Test Pool examination.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Idaho Board of Nursing
11341 W Chinden Blvd.
Boise, ID 83714
(208) 577-2476
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Illinois. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 12/23/2024, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Illinois an individual must:
-register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (Nursing) - Illinois Nursing Workforce
555 West Monroe Street, Suite 500
Chicago, Illinois 60661
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Indiana. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/15/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Indiana an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
There are two types of applications to be completed (the NCLEX Candidate Bulletin and the Indiana licensure application). Both the Indiana licensure application and the NCLEX registration process must be completed before eligibility to take the examination can be granted by the Indiana State Board of Nursing.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Indiana State Board of Nursing
402 W. Washington Street, Room W072
Indianapolis, IN, 46204
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Iowa. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/21/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Iowa an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Iowa Board of Nursing
400 S.W. 8th Street, Suite B
Des Moines, IA, 50309-4685
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Kansas. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/02/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Kansas an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Kansas State Board of Nursing
Landon State Office Building
900 SW Jackson Street, Suite 1051
Topeka, KS, 66612-1230
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Kentucky. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/21/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Additional Training Requirements
To meet the training requirements, applicants must complete the following content-specific Continuing Education requirements within 3 years of KY licensure:
- One contact hour in Alzheimer's Disease or other forms of Dementia
- Two contact hours of suicide prevention
- Three hours of Domestic Violence continuing education
- One and a half hours of Pediatric Head Abuse Trauma
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Kentucky an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
- receive a passing score (80% or higher) on the Kentucky Jurisprudence exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Kentucky Board of Nursing
312 Whittington Pky, Suite 300
Louisville, KY, 40222
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Louisiana. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/15/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Louisiana an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Louisiana State Board of Nursing
17373 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA, 70810
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Maine. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/10/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Maine an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Maine State Board of Nursing
161 Capitol St.
158 State House Station
Augusta, ME, 04333-0158
Marshall Islands
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Marshall Islands. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/06/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. No state agency has been determined for this location.
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Maryland. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Transcript Review Required
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/24/2025, an individual applicant’s transcripts are reviewed by the licensure agency in Maryland to determine if the educational requirements for licensure have been met. In addition to educational attainment, the professional licensing agency may consider the applicant’s professional experience, level of educational attainment, background, criminal record, exam scores, etc., to determine if the individual applying for licensure meets the state requirements. Therefore, only the state can determine if the individual graduate meets the requirements for licensure. As a result, GCU cannot make that determination for the state. Individuals with specific questions about this state’s process or regulations are advised to contact the state board to determine if the program will meet the individual’s needs.
Agency Approval Granted
GCU's Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-Licensure) program is approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Maryland an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Maryland Board of Nursing
4140 Patterson Avenue
Baltimore, MD, 21215-2254
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Massachusetts. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/05/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Massachusetts an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing
250 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02108
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Michigan. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 12/30/2024, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Additional Training Requirements
To meet training requirements an applicant must:
- complete training in identifying victims of human trafficking and
- complete 2 hours of implicit bias training within the 5 years immediately preceding issuance of the license or registration
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Michigan an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Michigan Board of Nursing
Ottawa Building
611 W. Ottawa
P.O. Box 30004
Lansing, MI, 48909
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Minnesota. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 12/30/2024, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Minnesota an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Minnesota Board of Nursing
1210 Northland Drive Suite 120
Mendota Heights, MN, 55120
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Mississippi. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/21/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Mississippi an individual must:
- register for and pass the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Mississippi Board of Nursing
713 Pear Orchard Road
Suite 300
Ridgeland, MS, 39157
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Missouri. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 12/30/2024, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Missouri an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Missouri Board of Nursing
P.O. Box 656
Jefferson City, MO, 65102-0656
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Montana. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/29/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Montana an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on a national standardized examination determined by the board
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Montana Board of Nursing
301 South Park , 4th Floor
Helena, MT, 59620
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Nebraska. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/07/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Nebraska an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Nebraska DHHS: Nursing and Nursing Support
Division of Public Health - Licensure Unit
Attn: Nursing
P.O. Box 94986
Lincoln, NE, 68509-5026
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Nevada. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/21/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Nevada an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Nevada State Board of Nursing
4220 S. Maryland Pkwy., Building B, Suite 300
Las Vegas, NV, 89119-7533
(888) 590-6726
New Hampshire
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from New Hampshire. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/10/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in New Hampshire an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Office of Professional Licensure & Certification
New Hampshire Board of Nursing
7 Eagle Square
Concord NH, 03301
New Jersey
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from New Jersey. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/28/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in New Jersey an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
New Jersey Board of Nursing
124 Halsey Street, 6th Floor
P.O. Box 45010
Newark, NJ, 07101
New Mexico
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from New Mexico. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/07/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in New Mexico an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
New Mexico Board of Nursing
6301 Indian School Road NE, Suite 710
Albuquerque, NM, 87110
New York
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from New York. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 12/31/2024, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Additional Training Requirements
The New York Board of Nursing requires child abuse reporting training and infection control coursework.
You may qualify for an exemption for the child abuse training if you can demonstrate that, during your nursing practice, you will not have contact with persons under the age of 18 or residents of nursing homes or residential care schools. You can request this exemption when you apply for your license.
You may be eligible for exemption from the infection control training if you can document, to the satisfaction of the Department, that there is no need for the training based on the nature of your practice.
If you do not qualify for a training exemptions, an applicant must:
-complete an NYSED approved child abuse reporting course. These courses are available online. Link is below.
-complete and NYSED approved infection control course. These courses are available online. Link is below.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in New York an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
New York State Office of Professions - Nursing
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY, 12234-1000
North Carolina
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from North Carolina. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 12/23/2024, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in North Carolina an individual must:
-register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
North Carolina Board of Nursing
4516 Lake Boone Trail
Raleigh, NC, 27607
North Dakota
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from North Dakota. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/06/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in North Dakota an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
North Dakota Board of Nursing
919 South 7th Street, Suite 504
Bismarck, ND, 58504
Northern Mariana Islands
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Northern Mariana Islands. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/05/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in the Northern Mariana Islands an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Northern Mariana Islands Board of Nursing
P.O. Box 501458
Saipan, MP, 96950
(670) 233-2263
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Ohio. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/07/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Ohio an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Ohio Board of Nursing
17 South High Street, Suite 660
Columbus, OH, 43215-7410
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Oklahoma. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/24/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Oklahoma an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Oklahoma Board of Nursing
2501 N. Lincoln Blvd., Ste. 207
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Oregon. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/17/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Oregon an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Oregon State Board of Nursing
17938 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd.
Portland, OR, 97224-7012
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Pennsylvania. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/12/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Additional Training Requirements
To meet the training requirements, one must:
- at the time of application, submit documentation acceptable to the licensing board of the completion of at least three hours of approved child abuse recognition and reporting training. This is required to be issued an RN license in the state of Pennsylvania.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Pennsylvania an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing
P.O. Box 2649
Harrisburg, PA, 17105-2649
Puerto Rico
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Puerto Rico. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 12/20/2024, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Puerto Rico Board of Nursing
1590 Ponce de Leon Street
Rio Piedras, PR, 00926
Republic of Palau
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Republic of Palau. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 12/20/2024, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Republic of Palau Bureau of Nursing
P.O. Box 6051
Koror, Palau 96940
Rhode Island
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Rhode Island. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/17/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Rhode Island an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Rhode Island Department of Health (Nursing)
Three Capitol Hill
Providence, RI, 02908
South Carolina
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from South Carolina. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/13/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in South Carolina an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
South Carolina Board of Nursing
110 Centerview Dr.
Columbia, SC, 29210
South Dakota
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from South Dakota. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/14/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in South Dakota an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
South Dakota Board of Nursing
4305 South Louise Ave., Suite 201
Sioux Falls, SD, 57106-3115
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Tennessee. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/08/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Tennessee an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Tennessee Board of Nursing
665 Mainstream Drive, 2nd Floor
Nashville, TN, 37243
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Texas. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/07/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Texas an individual must:
- pass the Nursing Jurisprudence Examination prior to registering for the NCLEX
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Texas Board of Nursing
1801 Congress Avenue, Suite 10-200
Austin, Texas
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Utah. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/05/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Utah an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
160 East 300 South
Salt Lake City, UT, 84111
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Vermont. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/14/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet exam requirements one must,
- register for the NCLEX and pay the fee
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Vermont State Board of Nursing
89 Main Street
Montpelier, VT, 05602
Virgin Islands
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Virgin Islands. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/21/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Virgin Islands Board of Nursing
Kongens Gade (Government Hill)
St. Thomas, VI, 00802
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Virginia. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/02/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Virginia an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Virginia Board of Nursing
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300
Henrico, VA, 23233-1463
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Washington. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/31/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Washington an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Washington State Board of Nursing
Town Center 2
111 Israel Rd S.E.
Tumwater, WA 98501
West Virginia
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from West Virginia. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/19/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in West Virginia an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX exam
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses
5001 MacCorkle Ave., SW.
South Charleston, WV 25309
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Wisconsin. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/12/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Wisconsin an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Wisconsin Board of Nursing
PO Box 8366
Madison, WI 53708-8366
(608) 266-2112
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Registered Nurse License from Wyoming. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/13/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Professional Licensure Exam Requirements
To meet the exam requirements for the RN license in Wyoming an individual must:
- register for and receive a passing score on the NCLEX
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Wyoming State Board of Nursing
130 Hobbs Ave, Suite B
Cheyenne, WY, 82002