Online Education Specialist Degrees (EdS)

If you’re an active teacher looking to positively affect the future of learning, an EdS degree may be the right choice for you. We offer specialist degrees in education to equip you with knowledge in educational leadership, help you acquire curriculum development expertise, and teach you to develop school improvement plans so you can gain a deeper understanding of how to make an impact in the education field. Through exploring theories, models and policies, you will have the opportunity to become a thoughtful leader in education.

Teacher and student high five

Fostering Collaboration and Innovation in Schools

Earning an EdS gives educators the opportunity to set themselves up for potential advancement or in their careers. Graduates may choose to pursue high-level positions in education, using their advanced knowledge of K-12 instruction, leadership and development to influence others and the quality of learning throughout schools. With collaboration, research and leadership skills, online education specialist degree graduates can be equipped to make a difference as leaders in their teaching community.

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Education Specialist Degrees Available at GCU

We offer two different paths for those looking to earn an Ed specialist degree. You can choose to take specialty coursework focused on analyzing and developing K-12 leadership or aim to improve student outcomes by taking a deep dive into teaching and learning.


Our Education Specialist in K-12 Leadership option is for active teachers who want to enhance their knowledge of educational policy development, staffing and organizational leadership while also further developing their own instructional skills. Through an intensive study of educational policy analysis and leadership research, you will have the opportunity to use your knowledge to positively influence others and improve learning throughout school systems.

Teaching and Learning

Our EdS option with a focus on teaching and learning can help K-12 educators develop deep knowledge of different models and theories of teaching with the goal of improving student outcomes in educational communities. Through the study and implementation of research-based strategies and emerging trends in education, EdS students will have the opportunity to promote successful student learning in diverse classroom settings.

Arial photograph of buildings on GCU's campus

Earn Your Degree From an Accredited University

GCU has been institutionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 1968, solidifying our commitment to providing all students with quality learning that can help them reach their academic and personal goals. To learn more about our accreditation, visit our university accreditation page.

EdS Degree Coursework

This program aims to prepare aspiring leaders in the education field to become well-versed in their sector of education, whether that be through influencing K-12 instruction or improving leadership at that level. Specific courses may vary slightly depending on your area of focus, but you can expect to cover topics such as:

  • Educational policy development
  • Effective teaching strategies and trends
  • Global politics of education
  • Strategic planning in education
  • Leadership theories and models
  • Professional learning communities
Three GCU students talking in a hallway

Graduate Admission Requirements

Graduate students at GCU must meet certain admission requirements to gain entry into our online education specialist programs. These include previous degree, GPA and testing requirements. To learn more, visit our graduate admission requirements page, and fill out the form on this page to speak with a university counselor.

Education Specialist Degree Program FAQs

If you’re looking to potentially advance your career in education, you likely have many questions. Review some commonly asked questions and answers to gain more insight into earning your degree.

An EdS is an educational specialist degree — a post-master’s degree for current educators who are looking to further their education. These programs provide students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of their field through a thorough analysis of theories, models and philosophies while teaching them to implement research-based strategies. Aspiring leaders in education may find this option to be a great next step for them.

An EdS is not a doctoral degree, but rather takes place between a master’s and doctoral degree. It is an advanced degree option for those in the education field who are looking to gain specialized knowledge and further education in their field. A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a terminal degree, designed for those looking to enter into high leadership positions in education. A PhD focuses more on intensive research and requires the completion of a dissertation and residency, unlike an EdS.

The amount of time it may take you to complete online education specialist programs can vary depending on factors such as previous educational background and full or part-time status. An EdS degree is shorter than a doctoral degree (30 credits), and no dissertation is required. To learn more about a timeline to completion for this program, fill out the form on this page to speak with a university counselor.

Depending on your goals and career aspirations, an ED Specialist degree may be well worth it for you. If you’re looking to potentially increase your qualifications for positions in the education field, specifically K-12 leadership, school improvement planning or professional development in education, these programs can instill you with the education and advanced knowledge.

When researching salary earnings, we can look at one potential career outcome of an EdS degree — an education administrator. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, education administrators had a median annual salary of $88,460 as of May 2023.1

Career Opportunities for Education Specialist Degree Graduates

Education specialist graduates strive to make a difference in education by contributing their knowledge to the improvement of instruction, leadership and student learning. Graduates of an EdS program may go on to explore various career opportunities, such as:

  • Postsecondary education teachers
  • Elementary, middle and secondary teachers
  • Education administrators

It’s important to review your state’s teaching requirements when choosing to pursue any postsecondary teaching position.

GCU students talking to professor

Doctoral Student Resources

As a doctoral student, you will have access to various resources and supportive, knowledgeable faculty that will be there alongside you in your journey to earning your EdS. Browse through these links to explore some of the resources offered.

1 The earnings referenced were reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (“BLS”), Education Specialists, as of May 2023, retrieved Aug. 1, 2024. Due to COVID-19, data from 2020 to 2023 may be atypical compared to prior years. BLS calculates the median using salaries of workers nationwide with varying levels of education and experience. It does not reflect the earnings of GCU graduates as education specialists, nor does it reflect earnings of workers in one city or region of the country or a typical entry-level salary. Median income is the statistical midpoint for the range of salaries in a specific occupation. It represents what you would earn if you were paid more money than half the workers in an occupation, and less than half the workers in an occupation. It may give you a basis to estimate what you might earn at some point if you enter this career. Grand Canyon University can make no guarantees on individual graduates’ salaries. Your employability will be determined by numerous factors over which GCU has no control, such as the employer the graduate chooses to apply to, the graduate’s experience level, individual characteristics, skills, etc., against a pool of candidates.

The EdS programs at GCU are designed for current educators who are looking to gain specialized knowledge in their field.