The Learner and Learning - Candidates explore child development including theories and philosophies to understand how learning influences the learner as part of the development process. Candidates build upon positive relationships and supportive interactions to plan and implement developmentally appropriate approaches, strategies, and tools to positively influence each child’s development and learning. [NAEYC 4; InTASC 3, 7, 8, 9)
- Explore theories and philosophies of early learning and development to make developmentally appropriate decisions to respond to each child through curriculum and instruction. [MC2]
- Identify each child's unique and varied characteristics, including development, learning styles, strengths, abilities, challenges, and capacity to make choices in order to respond to each child with developmentally appropriate instruction and interactions. [MC2]
- Employ data literacy strategies to identify readiness for learning while taking into account the multiple influences on early development and learning. [MC2]
- Utilize multiple perspectives relevant to learners’ personal, family, and community experiences and cultural diversity to promote student outcomes. [MC5]
- Identify how language, culture, and family background can influence the normative sequences of early development and learning of young children. [MC5]
- Use knowledge of the developmental period of early childhood to create developmentally appropriate and evidence-based instruction that supports young children's learning. [MC2, MC4, MC5]
Content Knowledge - Candidates apply in-depth content knowledge, appropriate curriculum, content standards, early learning standards, and learning resources to promote developmentally meaningful, engaging, and challenging learning opportunities for all children. (NAEYC 2; InTASC 2, 4, 5, 8)
- Apply in-depth content knowledge and learning resources in the academic disciplines to create meaningful and engaging opportunities for students to learn, practice, and master content. [MC1, MC2]
- Apply appropriate pedagogical content knowledge, content standards, and early learning standards to plan and evaluate developmentally appropriate and challenging learning opportunities for each child. [MC2]
- Develop meaningful, developmentally appropriate learning progressions adapted to meet the needs of all students based on central concepts, methods and tools of inquiry of the academic disciplines. [MC2]
- Adapt meaningful, developmentally appropriate learning strategies to extend instruction beyond the classroom to meet the needs of students and their families. [MC2]
- Modify teaching practices by adjusting curriculum and instruction to meet the learning needs of all students and promote positive outcomes. [MC2]
- Develop specific evidence-based instructional strategies and supports for social emotional learning in the classroom. [MC2]
Instructional Practice - Candidates design instruction and learning environments that take into account young children’s characteristics, needs, and readiness for learning, as well as the multiple influences on early development and learning. They understand the teacher’s role in developing shared values, expectations, appreciation for cultural diversity, and reciprocal relationships with learners, colleagues, and families for promoting healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments for young children. (NAEYC 1, 2; InTASC 1, 2, 3)
- Plan instruction that uses effective strategies and resources, including the equitable and appropriate use of technology, to meet the needs of young learners. [MC2]
- Develop a wide range of developmentally, culturally, and linguistically responsive teaching and learning strategies to achieve individual learning outcomes, including differentiating instruction. [MC5]
- Use data to reflect upon and evaluate personal practice, and appropriately modify instruction to meet each child’s learning needs and promote positive outcomes. [MC2]
- Use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement. [MC2]
- Collaborate with colleagues to use data to select, develop, and adapt learning experiences that are reflective of students' abilities, interests, and cultural and linguistic factors. [MC2, MC4]
- Develop positive, caring, supportive relationships and interactions that promote learning and development of young children. [MC2]
- Recognize and utilize play as a core teaching practice and a foundational learning strategy designed to support and respond to the unique learning trajectories and support the development of executive function skills critical for young children. [MC2]
- Collaborate with families and other professionals to create developmentally appropriate and evidence-based instruction that is culturally responsive and supports young children's learning across all academic and developmental domains. [MC2, MC4, MC5]
Assessment - Candidates know about and understand the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment, assessment technology, and assistive technology as instructional tools, diagnostic screeners, and two-way communication devices to promote development, learning outcomes, and collaborative partnerships for the benefit of young children. (NAEYC 3, 4; InTASC 3, 6, 7, 8)
- Examine formal and informal, formative, and summative assessments to make informed choices about instructional goals, curriculum, and teaching strategies to promote positive outcomes for young children. [MC2, MC3]
- Identify appropriate assessment strategies and approaches, including the use of technology, to observe, document, and collect data, and monitor progress of young children. [MC2, MC4]
- Use assessment data to make ethically and legally informed choices about instruction to select appropriate goals, curriculum, and teaching strategies to promote positive outcomes for young children. [MC2, MC3]
- Identify valid and reliable assessment tools that are developmentally, ability, culturally, and linguistically appropriate to document progress and promote positive outcomes. [MC2, MC3, MC5]
- Develop partnerships with families and colleagues to analyze, interpret, and share assessment results to document developmental progress and guide educational decisions. [MC2, MC4]
- Collaborate with families and other team members to develop child-centered goals, and plan for interventions to promote positive outcomes. [MC2, MC4]
- Make appropriate accommodations, including the use of assistive technology, in assessments or testing conditions to meet individual student needs.
- Collaborate with and support teachers in assessing and diagnosing potential literacy issues, including dyslexia. [MC2, MC4]
Professional Responsibility - Candidates engage in ongoing professional development; model the expectations of the profession by upholding ethical, professional, and legal standards; inform their practice through relevant, research-based perspectives; and engage in informed advocacy to optimize the learning opportunities for young children, while advancing the early childhood profession. (NAEYC 6; InTASC 4, 9, 10)
- Explore collaborative professional development to inform practice in order to maximize learning outcomes for all students. [MC2]
- Demonstrate the expectations of the profession by upholding ethical standards, professional standards of practice, and relevant laws and policies. [MC3]
- Analyze ethical decisions to promote the common good for students, families and colleagues that are consistent with the Christian worldview. [MC3]
- Engage in informed advocacy for young children, families, and the profession to optimize the learning opportunities for young children, and advance the early childhood profession. [MC1, MC4]
- Explain the use technology to communicate information appropriately, legally, and ethically to all stakeholders. [MC1, MC2, MC3]
- Reflect upon and evaluate personal practice to meet each child’s learning needs and promote positive outcomes. [MC2]
Collaboration - Candidates collaborate with students, families, colleagues and the community in culturally responsive ways to address the needs of children across a range of learning experiences (NAEYC 2, 4, 6; InTASC 1, 2, 7, 9, 10)
- Collaborate with families to build a safe, positive, inclusive learning environment that encourages children’s early development. [MC1, MC4, MC5]
- Collaborate with families to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships that demonstrate positive and supportive relationships. [MC1, MC4, MC5]
- Provide guidance and direction to paraeducators, tutors, and volunteers that is appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and delivery approach. [MC1, MC3, MC4, MC5]
- Identify community resources that support young children’s learning and development, support families, and build partnerships between early learning settings and community organizations. [MC1, MC4, MC5]
- Use professional communication skills, including appropriate use of technology, when collaborating with families and colleagues. [MC1, MC4]
Our faculty are committed to bringing their abundant knowledge, enthusiasm, and experience to GCU and its students every day.
Program FacultyDisclosure Categories Related to Professional Licensure
Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (Leads to Initial Teacher Licensure)
for residents of AL, AK, AS, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FM, FL, GA, GU, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MH, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, MP, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, PW, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VI, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY,
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Class A: Master's Degree Level Certificate from Alabama. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/30/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Alabama requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Alabama does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
When certifying through Arizona first, a professional knowledge exam is required for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Alabama Department of Education
50 North Ripley Street
P.O. Box 302101
Montgomery, AL, 36104
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Teacher Certificate from Alaska. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/14/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development requires applicants to complete two additional courses in addition to the program at GCU. The student will be required to complete:
- 3 semester hours of approved Alaska Studies
- 3 semester hours of approved Alaska Multicultural Coursework
Whether applying for licensure directly or applying for licensure through reciprocity, verification of completion of the above courses must be submitted to Alaska DEED before the expiration of initial licensure. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of and meet the educational requirements for the state in which they are applying for licensure.
Additional Training Requirements
The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development require applicants who direct certify to complete four mandatory trainings. Applicants who apply for teacher certification through reciprocity are exempt from the mandatory trainings.
Mandatory Trainings:
* Sexual abuse awareness and prevention
* Alcohol or drug related disabilities
* Dating violence awareness and prevention
* Suicide awareness and prevention
Only trainings approved by an Alaska public school district or the Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) will satisfy this requirement. Trainings offered by universities and other organizations must be approved by DEED. The following documents may be submitted as evidence of completion of the approved trainings:
*A record of training with signature of district superintendent or appointed designee or a dean of an accredited school of education;
*A certificate of completion from a training program approved by DEED (See eLearning courses below); or
*An official transcript showing the completion of a training course approved by DEED.
More information can be found at:
Field Placement Requirements
In the state of Alaska, before student teaching can begin, students must receive a Student Teacher Authorization. Student Teacher Authorization applications may take up to four months to be processed. To apply for a Student Teacher Authorization, the student must submit all necessary items in a single packet. The packet must include:
1. A completed Student Teacher Authorization Packet
2. FBI applicant fingerprint card (FD258) or previous background clearance
3. Verification of passing scores on an approved Basic Competency Exam (BCE)
4. A completed Student Teacher Program Enrollment Form
5. Online payment receipt, money order or cashier's check
The application and supporting documents must be mailed to the Teacher Certification office at:
Department of Education and Early Development
Teacher Certification
PO Box 110500
Juneau, AK 99811-0500
Photocopies, scanned or faxed applications will not be accepted.
GCU’s program requires placement in two settings, one occurs in a Birth-Pre-K classroom (practicum course) and one in a K-3 classroom (student teaching course).
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Alaska state requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass Alaska's state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Alaska requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four subtests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all subtests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
There are alternative options that have been approved for satisfying the basic competency requirements. Please see the following link for more information on the approved alternative basic skills competency requirement:
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Alaska requires out of state program completers meet the requirements for certification in the state the program is approved in. Arizona requires a professional knowledge exam for certification. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Mailing Address
Alaska Dept. of Education & Early Development
PO Box 110500
Juneau, AK 99811-0500
Juneau Physical Address
333 Willoughby Ave, 9th Floor
Juneau, AK 99801
Anchorage Physical Address
550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 810
Anchorage, AK 99501
Teacher Certification
Phone: (907) 465-2831
Fax: (907) 465-2441
American Samoa
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a License/Credential from American Samoa. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/25/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
American Samoa Department of Education
Utulei, American Samoa
Phone: (684) 633-5237
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Standard Professional Teaching Certificate from Arizona. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Approved by the State
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/13/2025, this program meets the educational requirements for licensure in this state.
Agency Approval Granted
The Grand Canyon University College of Education is approved by the Arizona State Board of Education to offer Institutional Recommendations for Initial Teacher Licensure of early childhood, early childhood special education, elementary, secondary, special education teachers, principals and school counselors only. Programs that lead to licensure contain a student teaching or internship component.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Arizona requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Arizona does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Arizona requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for teacher, principal or school counselor licensure in Arizona.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Arizona Department of Education
1535 West Jefferson Street
Phoenix, AZ, 85007
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Provisional License from Arkansas. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/07/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Availability of Equivalent Credential
The Arkansas Department of Education has eliminated the Pre-K through 4th (PK-4) grade certificate and replaced it with the Early Childhood/ Special Education Integrated (B-K) certificate and the Elementary Education (K-6) certificate. This program does not lead to either of these certificates in Arkansas as it does not include the special education content required.
Individuals wishing to obtain licensure for Birth through Kindergarten should consider the Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education program. Individuals wishing to obtain licensure for K-6 should complete the Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education program. Individuals not seeking professional licensure may take the program for general interest.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Arkansas Department of Education
Four Capitol Mall Room 106-B
Little Rock, AR, 72201
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Preliminary Teaching Credential from California. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/24/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Additional Coursework Requirements
California's Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires individuals who complete a teacher preparation program and receive a five-year preliminary credential to earn a clear credential. To earn a clear credential, applicants would complete a commission-approved teacher induction program. This cannot be completed during a GCU initial teacher licensure program and is met once a Preliminary credential is issued.
In addition, California's Commission on Teacher Credentialing offers English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction delivered in English (SDAIE) permits. GCU's education programs do not include coursework that can be used to qualify for the English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction delivered in English (SDAIE). This requirement will need to be completed during the Preliminary Credential time frame of five years. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of and meet the educational course requirements for the state in which they are applying for licensure.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of California requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of California requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four subtests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all subtests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
When certifying through Arizona first, a professional knowledge exam is required for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
ATTN: Certification Division
651 Bannon St., Suite 601
Sacramento, CA 95811
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Teacher License from Colorado. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/14/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Colorado requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Colorado does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Arizona requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Colorado Department of Education
201 East Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO, 80203
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a License/Certificate from Connecticut. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/10/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The Connecticut Department of Education requires an Early Childhood program to include special education coursework in order for the student to be eligible for an Integrated Early Childhood/Special Education endorsement. Special Education coursework must be included as part of an approved program in order to qualify for this endorsement. Subsequently, this program will not lead to an endorsement in Connecticut. Individuals seeking the Early Childhood/Special Education endorsement should consider the Bachelor of Science or Master of Education in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education to meet the Connecticut requirements. Individuals can take this program for general interest.
The Connecticut Department of Education requires the following early childhood education coursework.
i) Curriculum and methods for typical and special-needs children, taught in a manner that would facilitate the understanding of children with special-needs in a least-restrictive environment, and shall consist of course work in integrated curriculum and strategies for developmentally appropriate nursery-kindergarten programs.
Program adaptations for children with special needs; or teaching strategies and related services for children with special needs; or program planning for children with special needs.
ii.) This group shall consist of course work in facilitating development and programming for normal and special-needs infants and toddlers with study in at least three of the following four areas:
- Infant/toddler development and assessment; or assessment of behavior and development in infants and toddlers;
- Curriculum development for infants and toddlers; or appropriate environment and the role of play;
- Infant/toddler program models, issues and collaborations; or programs for infants and toddlers with parent and professional support;
- Adaptations for infants and toddlers with special needs; or adapting the infant/toddler environment for children with special needs;
iii) Supervised student teaching or practicum in a pre-kindergarten or kindergarten, including children with special needs; and
For birth through kindergarten supervised student teaching in a program serving infants and toddlers, including children with special needs; for nursery-grade three supervised student teaching in grades one, two or three.
Grand Canyon University’s Early Childhood Education program does not include the early childhood education coursework listed above. This coursework must be included in an approved Early Childhood program. These courses cannot be taken separately.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Connecticut requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Connecticut does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Connecticut does not require a professional knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Connecticut Department of Education
450 Columbus Blvd
PO BOX 2219
Hartford, CT, 06145-2219
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Certificate from Delaware. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/28/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
Delaware requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
Delaware does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
When certifying through Arizona first, a professional knowledge exam is required for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Delaware Department of Education
Collette Education Resource Center
35 Commerce Way, Suite 1
Dover, DE, 19904
District of Columbia
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Standard Credential from District of Columbia. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/04/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The District of Columbia requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The District of Columbia requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four sub-tests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all sub-tests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The District of Columbia requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
D.C. Office of State Superintendent of Education - Teacher License
1050 First Street NE
2nd Floor
Washington, DC, 20002
Federated States of Micronesia
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a License/Credential from Federated States of Micronesia. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/07/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Government of the Federated States of Micronesia
Palikir, Pohnpei State, FM 96941
(691) 320-2228
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Professional Certificate from Florida. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/10/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
One or more content exams is required for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
A basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four sub-tests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all sub-tests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
Florida requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Florida Department of Education
Room 201, Turlington Building
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, FL, 32399-0400
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Induction Certificate from Georgia. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/18/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Availability of Equivalent Credential
Grand Canyon University's Master of Education in Early Childhood Education program is equivalent to Georgia's Elementary Education P-5 certification. Students must complete the program in its entirety and take and pass the Elementary Education GACE exams to be recommended for an Elementary Education certificate. If a student wants to also obtain the Birth through Kindergarten certificate they will also need to take and pass the GACE Birth-Kindergarten exams, however, Birth through Kindergarten is not a stand-alone option in Georgia.
Additionally, this program is intended to lead to licensure in Arizona. This program may lead to initial licensure in Georgia, but may not lead to a certificate upgrade in Georgia. Students are encouraged to contact their state department of education for more information.
Field Placement Requirements
The Georgia Professional Standards Commission requires candidates to obtain a Pre-Service Certificate in order to complete practicum, internship, or student teaching hours in a Georgia school. Candidates are required to complete a successful Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC) criminal record check as well as the Georgia Educator Ethics-Program Entry Assessment in order to qualify for a Pre-Service Teaching Certificate. Students will need to complete a placement in two settings. One occurs in a Birth-Preschool classroom (practicum course) and one in a K-3 classroom (student teaching course).
Educator Content Exam Requirements
Georgia requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
Georgia does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
Georgia does not require a professional knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Georgia Professional Standards Commission
200 Piedmont Ave SE
Suite 1716 West Tower
Atlanta, GA, 30334-9032
Guam, US Territory
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Educator Certificate from Guam, US Territory. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Provisional Licensure with Deficiencies
Based upon a review of the regulations on 01/21/2025, graduates from this program may obtain a license in the state. This state allows graduates from this program to obtain a license with specific deficiencies. The license provided will include additional conditions which the state requires the applicant to meet to maintain licensure. Individuals with specific questions about this state’s process or regulations are advised to contact the state board to determine if the program will meet the individual’s needs. The state contact information and any known additional coursework and/or training which will be required after licensure are outlined below.
Additional Coursework Requirements
There are no coursework deficiencies for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
Guam requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
Guam requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four subtests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all subtests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
Guam requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Office Location:
University of Guam School of Education, Room 105, First Floor
Mailing Address:
Guam Commission for Educator Certification
303 University Drive SOE Building
Room 105
Mangilao, GU, 96913
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Provisional License from Hawaii. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/22/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Hawaii requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Hawaii requires the completion of the basic skills exam for individuals who complete a state-approved teacher education program outside of Hawaii. The basic skills exam one assessment broken up into three sub-tests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Hawaii requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Hawaii Teacher Standards Board - Teacher License
650 Iwilei Rd, #268
Honolulu, HI, 96817
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Interim Certificate from Idaho. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/07/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Availability of Equivalent Credential
The Idaho State Board of Education only offers an inclusive Early Childhood Education certificate. This program does not lead to the inclusive Early Childhood Special Education Blended Certificate (Birth – Grade 3 endorsement). The Idaho State Board of Education offers an All Subject (K-8) Certificate. Students must certify through Arizona first to be eligible for Idaho’s All Subjects (K-8) certificate. Students may be eligible for the Blended Certificate with additional coursework.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The Idaho Department of Education will issue a three-year, non-renewable interim certificate to those who qualify under reciprocity. The following state-specific coursework requirements will need to be met prior to the expiration of the interim certificate. The IDDOE requires all Idaho teachers working on interim certificates to complete a state board approved Idaho Comprehensive Literacy course or assessment to meet a one-time requirement for full certification.
In addition, the Idaho Department of Education requires all Idaho teachers or administrators working on interim certificates, with an All Subjects (K-8) endorsement, any mathematics endorsement, Exceptional Child Generalist endorsement, Blended Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education endorsement, or Administrator certificate, must complete a state board approved Mathematical Thinking for Instruction, or another State Department of Education approved alternative course, as a one-time requirement for full certification.
In addition, the Idaho Department of Education requires out-of-state applicants to be reviewed by the hiring district for technology deficiencies and may be required to take technology courses to improve their technology skills. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of and meet the educational course requirements for the state in which they are applying for licensure.
Field Placement Requirements
The Idaho State Department of Education requires student teachers or any postsecondary candidates who have unsupervised contact with students in a public K-12 setting, complete a background check. This background check needs to be completed before student teaching can begin. The steps to applying for an Idaho background check are:
1. Request a fingerprint card, either via e-mail or picking one up from the Idaho State Department of Education.
2. Once the fingerprint packet is received, take the fingerprint card to the local police department or sheriff’s office to have prints rolled.
3. Then, submit the fingerprint packet with the following information to the Idaho Department of Education:
a. Background Investigation Check Form
b. State Department of Education Fingerprint Card
c. Fingerprint Processing fee
d. Initialed Instructions for Handling Fingerprint Cards form
e. Signed Noncriminal Justice Applicant Privacy Statement form
GCU’s program requires placement in two settings, one occurs in a Birth-PreK classroom (practicum course) and one in a K-3 classroom (student teaching course).
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Idaho requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Idaho does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Idaho does not require a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Physical Address
Idaho Department of Education
650 West State Street
Boise, ID, 83702-0027
Mailing Address:
Idaho Department of Education
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0027
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Professional Educator License from Illinois. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/13/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Field Placement Requirements
The Illinois State Board of Education requires candidates who will be completing student teaching in the state of Illinois to authorize a fingerprint-based criminal history records check and checks of the Statewide Sex Offender Database and Statewide Child Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Database prior to participating in any field experiences in the public schools. Authorization for and payment of the costs of the checks must be furnished by the student teacher. Results of the checks must be furnished to the higher education institution where the student teacher is enrolled and the superintendent of the school district where the student is assigned.
Students will need to complete a placement in two settings. One occurs in a Birth-Preschool classroom (practicum course) and one in a K-2 classroom (student teaching course).
Educator Content Exam Requirements
Illinois requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
Illinois does not have a basic skills exam requirement.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
When certifying through Arizona first, a professional knowledge exam is required for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
Illinois no longer requires the completion of the edTPA for applicants who apply directly to the Illinois State Board of Education. Candidates applying directly to ISBE need to have a valid AZ license and then apply via reciprocity to ISBE for the comparable Illinois license. The edTPA is a performance assessment that is comprised of artifacts and video submissions. The edTPA is worked on throughout student teaching with its submission being at the end of student teaching. The edTPA allows teacher candidates to demonstrate what they can and will do on the job through the ability to demonstrate effective teaching in all subject areas.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Illinois State Board of Education
Educator Certification Division
100 North First Street
Springfield, IL, 62777-0001
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Original Instructional License Out-of-State from Indiana. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/13/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Additional Training Requirements
The Indiana Department of Education requires an individual to complete education and training on the prevention of child suicide and the recognition of signs that a individual may be considering suicide. An initial teaching license (includes instructional, individual services and administrative licenses) will not be issued unless this requirement is met. The Indiana Department of Education also requires completion of CPR/AED/Heimlich certification within one (1) year of receiving an Indiana license. CPR-Heimlich Maneuver training may be delivered primarily online, but it must include a "hands-on" training/demonstration component with a mannequin.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Indiana requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Indiana does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Indiana requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Indiana Department of Education
115 W Washington St.
South Tower, Suite 600
Indianapolis, IN, 46204
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Regional Exchange License from Iowa. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/24/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The Iowa Board of Educational Examiners requires all licensure applicants to go through an individual transcript review. Upon completion of the transcript review, applicants will be informed of any deficiencies on a case by case basis. Some coursework outside of GCU's program may be required. Applicants may be eligible for a Regional Exchange license valid for two (2) years. Applicants will be eligible for full licensure once coursework deficiencies have been met.
Additional Training Requirements
The Iowa Board of Educational Examiners requires applicants to complete Mandatory Child and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporter Training. This training is not included in the GCU program of study. Verification of the completed training must be presented when applying for licensure . The mandatory training is offered for free online at the following website:
It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of and meet the training requirements for their state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Iowa requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Iowa does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Iowa requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Iowa Board of Educational Examiners
701 E. Court Ave, Suite A
Des Moines, IA, 50309
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Teaching License from Kansas. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/14/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Field Placement Requirements
The Kansas Department of Education requires each individual that is serving as a student teacher in an accredited or approved teacher educational agency in Kansas shall hold a valid student-teacher certificate. The student teaching certificate can be obtained from the college or university the student is completing a teacher preparation program. The student must be recommended to student teach by completing all requirements put forth by their college or university. The student should file a valid student-teacher certificate with their college or university that will be returned to them upon completion of student teaching. The copy of the student-teacher certificate shall be filed with the state board of education and with the teacher education institution.
GCU’s program requires placement in two settings, one occurs in a Birth-PreK classroom (practicum course) and one in a K-3 classroom (student teaching course).
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Kansas requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Kansas does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Kansas NO LONGER requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. Kansas program completers and out-of-state program completers won’t be required to take the PLT pedagogy exam to qualify for a standard initial teaching license.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Attention: Teacher Licensure
900 S.W. Jackson Street, Suite 106
Topeka, KS 66612-1212
Licensure Operator
(785) 296-2288
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Statement of Eligibility from Kentucky. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/13/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY, 40601
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Out-of-State Certificate from Louisiana. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/07/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Accreditation Requirements
There are no state-specific requirements for this section.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Louisiana does not require a content knowledge exam for initial teacher licensure. This state is testing deferred. Verification of passing scores for the basic skills exam will be needed when transiting to the next stage of licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Louisiana does not require a basic skills exam for initial teacher licensure. This state is testing deferred. Verification of passing scores for the basic skills exam will be needed when transiting to the next stage of licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Louisiana does not require a professional knowledge exam for initial teacher licensure. This state is testing deferred. Verification of passing scores for the basic skills exam will be needed when transiting to the next stage of licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Louisiana Department of Education
PO Box 94064
Baton Rouge, LA, 70804-9064
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Professional Teacher Certificate from Maine. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/27/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Additional Training Requirements
There are no identified additional training requirements for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
Update as of 6/17/2024: The Maine Department of Education confirmed that due to the updates within the Chapter 115 regulations, Content Knowledge Exams (CKEs) are no longer a requirement for candidates who applied after 6/5/2022. This change applies to teaching endorsements and education specialist endorsements. More information on these updates can be found in Chapter 115:
The state of Maine requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Maine requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four sub-tests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all sub-tests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Maine does not require a Professional Knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Maine Department of Education
23 State House Station
Augusta, ME, 04333-0023
Marshall Islands
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a License/Certificate from Marshall Islands. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/14/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
The Parliament of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
P.O. Box 24, Nitijela Chamber
Delap Area
Majuro, MH 96960
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Professional License (IPL) from Maryland. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/14/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
Maryland requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
Maryland requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into several sub-tests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all sub-tests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
Maryland requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
Effective July 1, 2025, teacher candidates must present the edTPA or PPAT to fulfill the pedagogy assessment requirement. The Praxis PLT will not be accepted after July 1, 2025.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD, 21201-2595
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Provisional License from Massachusetts. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Provisional Licensure with Deficiencies
Based upon a review of the regulations on 01/29/2025, graduates from this program may obtain a license in the state. This state allows graduates from this program to obtain a license with specific deficiencies. The license provided will include additional conditions which the state requires the applicant to meet to maintain licensure. Individuals with specific questions about this state’s process or regulations are advised to contact the state board to determine if the program will meet the individual’s needs. The state contact information and any known additional coursework and/or training which will be required after licensure are outlined below.
Additional Coursework Requirements
Individuals applying for an initial license in Massachusetts must obtain the SEI endorsement. Grand Canyon University’s ESL courses do not align to Massachusetts standards or laws pertaining to English language learners. Individuals may be issued a Provisional license if they have not met the SEI requirement. The SEI requirement can be met through one of the following options: 1) completing a Massachusetts Dept. of Education approved course or 2) passing the MTEL SEI exam. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their state department of education regarding certification requirements in their state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Massachusetts requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Massachusetts requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four subtests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all subtests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
As part of the current license requirements, candidates seeking a first Massachusetts Academic PreK–12 license (except a temporary license) must achieve a passing score on both subtests of the Communication and Literacy Skills test OR both subtests of one of the other options to meet this requirement (listed below) AND any relevant Academic PreK–12 subject matter test(s). Note that candidates who have taken and passed certain tests in other states (e.g., Foundations of Reading, General Curriculum) may request to have their test results evaluated against the qualifying score for the corresponding MTEL test to determine their passing status on this test.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Massachusetts does not require a Professional Knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Hwy
Everett, MA, 02149
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Standard Teaching Certificate from Michigan. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/17/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Additional Training Requirements
The Michigan Department of Education requires an individual to complete a course approved by the department in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, including a test demonstration on a mannequin, and has successfully completed instruction approved by the department in foreign body airway obstruction management, and holds valid certification in these topics issued by the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, or a comparable organization or institution approved by the department. Coursework must include first aid, adult CPR, and child CPR. This coursework may be offered by the American Heart Association (AHA), the American Red Cross (ARC), American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI), the Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI), the Safety Council of Southeast Michigan (SCSM), the Lansing Area Safety Council (LASC), or Medic First Aid (MFA).
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Michigan requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
The Michigan Department of Education cannot advise individuals on testing requirements prior to the submission of an application for certification and review of the individual’s official transcripts documenting a completed program. Programs completed outside of Michigan must lead to certification in the state of origin, only Arizona-approved initial certification programs will be accepted. The Michigan Department of Education cannot advise candidates for testing until the Grand Canyon University program has been completed and exams will be deferred in the licensure process, in collaboration with, and directed by, the Michigan Department of Education.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Michigan does not require a basic skills exam.
The Michigan Department of Education cannot advise individuals on testing requirements prior to the submission of an application for certification and review of the individual’s official transcripts documenting a completed program. Programs completed outside of Michigan must lead to certification in the state of origin, only Arizona-approved initial certification programs will be accepted. The Michigan Department of Education cannot advise candidates for testing until the Grand Canyon University program has been completed and exams will be deferred in the licensure process, in collaboration with, and directed by, the Michigan Department of Education.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Michigan does not require a professional knowledge exam.
The Michigan Department of Education cannot advise individuals on testing requirements prior to the submission of an application for certification and review of the individual’s official transcripts documenting a completed program. Programs completed outside of Michigan must lead to certification in the state of origin, only Arizona-approved initial certification programs will be accepted. The Michigan Department of Education cannot advise candidates for testing until the Grand Canyon University program has been completed and exams will be deferred in the licensure process, in collaboration with, and directed by, the Michigan Department of Education.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Michigan Department of Education
608 W. Allegan Street
P.O. Box 30008
Lansing, MI, 48909
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Tier 3 License from Minnesota. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/21/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Minnesota requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Minnesota does not require a basic skills exam for this level of teacher licensure.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Minnesota requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
The Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 222
St Paul, MN 55108-5111
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Class AA License from Mississippi. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/21/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
Mississippi requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Mississippi does not require a basic skills exam when certifying through Arizona first.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
When certifying through Arizona first, a professional knowledge exam is required for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Mississippi Department of Education-Office of Educator Licensure
PO BOX 771
Jackson, MS, 39205-0771
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Teacher Certificate from Missouri. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/09/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Missouri requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Missouri does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
When certifying through Arizona first, a professional knowledge exam is required for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
PO BOX 480
Jefferson City, MO, 65102-0480
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Class 5 Provisional Teacher License from Montana. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/09/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Additional Training Requirements
No additional training is needed to meet the requirements for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Montana does not require a content knowledge exam for initial teacher licensure. This state is testing deferred. Verification of passing scores for the exam will be needed when transiting to the next stage of licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Montana does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Montana does not require a professional knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Montana Office of Public Instruction
PO BOX 202501
Helena, MT, 59620-2501
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Teaching Certificate from Nebraska. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/07/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
Availability of Equivalent Credential
Grand Canyon University's Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education program does not include prescribed coursework in the content area of identification of deficiencies. This program does not lead to licensure in Nebraska. This program may be taken for general interest.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Street address for (FedEx, UPS, and in-person contact) For Correspondence (USPS)
Nebraska Department of Education Nebraska Department of Education
500 S. 84th St. P.O. Box 94987
Lincoln, NE, 68510-2611 Lincoln, NE, 68509-4987
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Teacher Licensure from Nevada. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/13/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Field Placement Requirements
GCU’s program requires placement in two settings, one occurs in a Birth-PreK classroom (practicum course) and one in a K-2 classroom (student teaching course).
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Nevada requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Nevada does not require a basic skills exam when certifying through Arizona first.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
When certifying through Arizona first, a professional knowledge exam is required for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Nevada Department of Education
2080 E. Flamingo Rd
Suite 210
Las Vegas, NV, 89119
New Hampshire
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Beginning Educator Certificate from New Hampshire. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/15/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of New Hampshire requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of New Hampshire requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four subtests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all subtests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of New Hampshire does not require a professional knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
New Hampshire Department of Education
25 Hall Street
Concord, NH, 03301-3860
New Jersey
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Certificates of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS) Certificate from New Jersey. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Transcript Review Required
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/17/2025, an individual applicant’s transcripts are reviewed by the licensure agency in New Jersey to determine if the educational requirements for licensure have been met. In addition to educational attainment, the professional licensing agency may consider the applicant’s professional experience, level of educational attainment, background, criminal record, exam scores, etc., to determine if the individual applying for licensure meets the state requirements. Therefore, only the state can determine if the individual graduate meets the requirements for licensure. As a result, GCU cannot make that determination for the state. Individuals with specific questions about this state’s process or regulations are advised to contact the state board to determine if the program will meet the individual’s needs.
Additional Training Requirements
The New Jersey Department of Education requires an examination in physiology, hygiene and substance abuse issues. This requirement may be completed by presenting evidence of basic military training; OR by completing a course such as biology, health or nutrition that appears on a regionally accredited two- or four-year college or university transcript; OR by completing a 35-question true/false test administered in the county office of education. Individuals must meet this requirement prior to applying for certification.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of New Jersey requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
Not Required
Basic Skills Requirement Update
The Governor signed A1669/P.L.2024, c.26, which eliminates the requirement to complete a Commissioner of Education-approved test of basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills (Basic Skills) for all instructional certificates except for the limited certificate of eligibility (CE) and the limited certificate of eligibility with advanced standing (CEAS). This law is effective January 1, 2025.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of New Jersey does not require a professional knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
Updated on 1/19/23
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
Prior 1/19/23
The New Jersey Department of Education requires the edTPA prior to licensure. If an individual submits an out of state certificate they will be eligible for a Certificate of Eligibility and have two years to complete the edTPA requirement. To be eligible for a Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing, an individual must complete the edTPA prior to applying for licensure.
The edTPA is a performance assessment that is comprised of artifacts and video submissions. The edTPA is worked on throughout student teaching with its submission being at the end of student teaching. The edTPA allows teacher candidates to demonstrate what they can and will do on the job through the ability to demonstrate effective teaching in all subject areas to all students.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
New Jersey Department of Education
P.O. Box 500
Trenton, NJ, 08625-0500
New Mexico
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Out of State (1CS) License from New Mexico. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/25/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of New Mexico does not require a content exam when applicants are applying via reciprocity.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of New Mexico does not require a basic skills exam when applicants are applying via reciprocity.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of New Mexico does not require a professional knowledge exam when applicants are applying via reciprocity.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
New Mexico Public Education Department
300 Don Gaspar
Room 103
Santa Fe, NM, 87501
New York
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Certificate from New York. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Transcript Review Required
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/26/2025, an individual applicant’s transcripts are reviewed by the licensure agency in New York to determine if the educational requirements for licensure have been met. In addition to educational attainment, the professional licensing agency may consider the applicant’s professional experience, level of educational attainment, background, criminal record, exam scores, etc., to determine if the individual applying for licensure meets the state requirements. Therefore, only the state can determine if the individual graduate meets the requirements for licensure. As a result, GCU cannot make that determination for the state. Individuals with specific questions about this state’s process or regulations are advised to contact the state board to determine if the program will meet the individual’s needs.
Availability of Equivalent Credential
The New York State Education Department will determine if GCU's program is equivalent to a certificate in this state once a transcript evaluation is completed.
Additional Coursework Requirements
No additional coursework is needed to meet the requirements for licensure in this state.
** PER NYSED if the candidate completed a comparable, approved educator preparation program in the same subject in another state, they should be selecting the “Completion of a Comparable Educator Program in Another U.S. State” pathway. They should not be selecting the Individual Evaluation pathway. **
Additional Training Requirements
The New York State Education Department requires completion of the following:
- Study in child abuse identification (2 clock hours)
- Study or training in school violence prevention and intervention
- six (6) clock hours of coursework or training in harassment, bullying, and discrimination prevention and intervention (Dignity For All Students Act (DASA))
The training outlined above must be completed prior to applying for certification in New York.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of New York requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of New York does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of New York requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
New York State Education Department - Teacher License
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY, 12234
North Carolina
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Professional License from North Carolina. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/13/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of North Carolina does not require a content exam for this area of licensure.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of North Carolina does not require a basic skills exam for students prepared in programs outside of North Carolina.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of North Carolina does not require a professional knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA will be treated like any other exam in NC (test deferred). Students would have one year from the date their NC license is issued to attempt the edTPA or PPAT and must pass it by the third year of the license. The edTPA is a performance assessment that is comprised of artifacts and video submissions. The edTPA is worked on throughout student teaching with its submission being at the end of student teaching. The edTPA allows teacher candidates to demonstrate what they can and will do on the job through the ability to demonstrate effective teaching in all subject areas to all students.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
6301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC, 27699-6301
North Dakota
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Early Childhood Endorsement from North Dakota. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/17/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of North Dakota requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
*NOTE* Although ND requires Core Exams for licensure, GCU applicants are NOT required to take ND Core tests as long as they can provide evidence of their successful tests in the Professional and Content exams
The state of North Dakota requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three subtests, one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all subtests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of North Dakota requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board
2718 Gateway Avenue
Suite 204
Bismarck, ND, 58503-0585
Northern Mariana Islands
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Basic I Teacher License from Northern Mariana Islands. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/17/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The Northern Marianas Department of Education CNMI Public School System requires applicants of the Classroom Teacher Basic I certificate to have completed a bachelor’s degree or higher. GCU’s College of Education initial teacher licensure programs meets this requirement.
The Northern Marianas Department of Education CNMI Public School System requires applicants of the next levels of licensure, Classroom Teacher Basic II and Classroom Teacher Standard certificates, to have completed prescribed coursework. The required coursework will be determined on a case-by-case basis after a transcript review has been completed. Coursework requirements may have been met in students’ undergraduate programs. Students may need to take additional coursework outside of GCU's program to meet the requirements for the next level of licensure.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The Northern Mariana Islands requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The Northern Mariana Islands requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four subtests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all subtests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
This Northern Mariana Islands a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Northern Marianas Department of Education CNMI Public School System
CNMI Public School System- Certification and Licensure Office
Bwughos Street, Susupe PO Box 501370
Saipan, MP, 96950-1250
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a 2-Year Resident Educator License from Ohio. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Provisional Licensure with Deficiencies
Based upon a review of the regulations on 03/10/2025, graduates from this program may obtain a license in the state. This state allows graduates from this program to obtain a license with specific deficiencies. The license provided will include additional conditions which the state requires the applicant to meet to maintain licensure. Individuals with specific questions about this state’s process or regulations are advised to contact the state board to determine if the program will meet the individual’s needs. The state contact information and any known additional coursework and/or training which will be required after licensure are outlined below.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The Ohio Department of Education requires a minimum of 12 credits (9 reading credits/3 phonics credits) to qualify for a Standard teaching license. A Resident Educator License may be issued by the Ohio Department of Education to applicants who have a minimum of 6 credits in reading. This program only contains 3 credits of reading coursework. Individuals will need to take an additional 3 credits outside of this program to obtain the Resident Educator License.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Ohio requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Ohio does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Ohio requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Ohio Department of Education
25 South Front Street
Columbus, OH, 43215-4183
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Standard Teaching Certificate from Oklahoma. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 12/03/2024, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Oklahoma requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Oklahoma does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Oklahoma requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Oklahoma Department of Education
2500 N. Lincoln Boulevard #212
Oliver Hodge Building
Oklahoma City, OK, 73105-4599
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Reciprocal Teaching License from Oregon. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/14/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Additional Training Requirements
The Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission requires all applicants to take and pass the exam "Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment". When applying to the Oregon Department of Education via reciprocity, the student may receive a Reciprocal Teaching License valid for one year from the date of issue. Students must show verification a passing score on the above exam before the expiration of the Reciprocal Teaching License.
Field Placement Requirements
An Oregon fingerprint clearance/background check needs to be completed before practicum can begin. Oregon law requires student teachers, educators, school nurses and out-of-state student teachers in Oregon schools to be fingerprinted. Fingerprinting includes both an Oregon State Police (OSP) and FBI background check. Background checks take place once fingerprints have been taken at a Fieldprint office. Fingerprints are valid for 3 years from the fingerprint clearance date.
1. Enroll on Fieldprint’s website
2. Enter the information required by the state of Oregon onto Fieldprint’s website.
- Entering this information upon enrollment means this information will not need to be collected again at the time of fingerprinting.
3. Schedule an appointment online by choosing the date, time and nearest Fieldprint location
4. When arriving for the appointment bring:
a. The appointment number
b. Two forms of ID such as a driver’s license or passport
5. Fingerprints are collected electronically
6. Fingerprints are submitted to the state by FieldPrint
Students will need to complete a student teaching placement in grades K-8 to meet the state's grade level requirements.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Oregon requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Oregon does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
When certifying through Arizona first, a professional knowledge exam is required for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission
250 Division St. NE
Salem, OR, 97301-1012
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Instructional Certificate from Pennsylvania. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/04/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Field Placement Requirements
Pennsylvania School Law requires all applicants of employment in Pennsylvania public and private schools, student teacher candidates, and employees of independent contractors seeking business with public and private schools to undergo background checks if the person will have direct contact with students. Pennsylvania background checks are composed of three different background checks. All three checks are needed to meet this requirement.
1.) Department of Human Services Child Abuse History Clearance
2.) Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Records Check
3.) Federal Criminal History Record Information (CHRI)
Students will need to complete a placement in two settings. One occurs in a Birth-Preschool classroom (practicum course) and one in a K-3 classroom (student teaching course).
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Pennsylvania requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Pennsylvania requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four subtests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all subtests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Pennsylvania does not require a professional knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the agency in the state in which they wish to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. The agency to contact is:
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA, 17126
Puerto Rico
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a License/Certificate from Puerto Rico. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/07/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The Puerto Rico Department of Education requires that individuals seeking a Certificate complete specific courses. GCU's program does not meet the educational requirements to fulfill Puerto Rico's requirements.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Puerto Rico Department of Education
PO Box 190759
San Juan, PR, 00919-0759
Republic of Palau
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a License/Credential from Republic of Palau. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Does Not Meet
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/20/2025, this program content does not meet the educational requirements for licensure in this state and is restricted for enrollment.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Ministry of Education
P.O. Box 189
Koror, Palau 96940
Tel. (680) 488-2489/2567/4220
Fax. (680)488-8465
Rhode Island
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Educator Certificate from Rhode Island. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/10/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Field Placement Requirements
Rhode Island requires a Student Teaching permit. This permit is required prior to being placed for student teaching. Please contact your Field Experience Counselor for further information. Students will need to complete a placement in two settings. One occurs in a Birth-Preschool classroom (practicum course) and one in a K-2 classroom (student teaching course).
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Rhode Island requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Rhode Island does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Rhode Island does not require a professional knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Rhode Island Department of Education
255 Westminster Street
Providence, RI, 02903
South Carolina
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Certificate from South Carolina. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/13/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Field Placement Requirements
Students will need to complete a placement in two settings. One occurs in a Birth-Preschool classroom (practicum course) and one in a K-3 classroom (student teaching course).
GCU students will also need to apply for a Student Teaching or Clinical Experience Clearance. The steps to apply for a Student Teaching or Clinical Experience Clearance are:
1. Review the required timelines for the application process. All required application materials must be on file with SCDE not late than:
a. February 15 for student teaching and clinical experiences beginning in the fall semester of that calendar year.
b. June 15 for student teaching and clinical experiences beginning in the spring semester of the next calendar year.
1. Create a use account through the SCDE Educator Portal using a personal email address.
2. Complete the Application for Student Teaching Clearance in the Educator Portal.
3. Submit the non-refundable $105 Processing Fee online through the Educator Portal.
4. Complete the Fingerprinting Process and Criminal Records Review.
If enrolled in an online program offered by an out-of-state institution of higher education, applicants must submit a program description attached to a Request for Change/Action Form to be evaluated for program pre-approval. Please reach out to your Field Experience Counselor (FEC) to request an OAR credential review document.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of South Carolina requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of South Carolina does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of South Carolina requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
South Carolina Department of Education
428 Wholesale Ln
West Columbia, SC, 29172
South Dakota
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Provisional Teacher License from South Dakota. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/31/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The South Dakota Department of Education requires all applicants show verification of successful completion of an approved three-credit South Dakota Indian studies course. Students applying to the South Dakota Department of Education via reciprocity will be given a one year Provisional Certificate. The student is expected to complete the South Dakota Indian studies course before the expiration of the Provisional Certificate. For students applying directly to South Dakota Department of Education, all content exams as well as the South Indian Studies course will need to be completed before applying for certification. Students will need to take additional coursework outside of GCU's program in order to meet this requirement. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of and meet the educational requirements for their state.
Additional Training Requirements
The South Dakota Department of Education requires all applicants to show verification of successful completion of one clock hour of approved Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training. This training needs to be complete before applying for certification. Information on approved online Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training can be found on the SDDOE website at It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of and meet the training requirements for their state.
**House Bill 1020 effective July 1, 2024, moved the verification of the youth suicide awareness and prevention training requirement from certification to accreditation. This means that educators are still required to complete an approved youth suicide awareness and prevention training; however, verifying training completion will be conducted within district accreditation reviews rather than educators' initial and/or renewal certification.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of South Dakota requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of South Dakota does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of South Dakota requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
South Dakota Department of Education
800 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD, 57501
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Practitioner License from Tennessee. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/13/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
Tennessee requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Tennessee does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
Tennessee requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Tennessee Department of Education
710 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN, 37243
(615) 741-5158
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Standard Teaching Certificate from Texas. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/03/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Availability of Equivalent Credential
GCU's program is equivalent to a certificate in this state.
Additional Training Requirements
The Texas Education Agency requires all educators to complete Suicide Prevention Training. Training for educators is funded by the State of Texas. Training may be completed by the school or district of hire. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of and meet the training requirements for their state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Texas requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Texas does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Texas requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Texas Education Agency
1701 N. Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas, 78701
(512) 463-9734
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Professional Educator License from Utah. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Apply to state with valid AZ license
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/11/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements in this state. Graduates from this program are eligible to obtain a credential in this state if they have first obtained a credential from the professional licensing agency in Arizona. Graduates in these states will be required to provide an Arizona credential that is free of deficiencies to this state licensing board as part of the application process. To do so, graduates will have to meet all Arizona requirements for licensure prior to seeking licensure in this state.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The Utah State Board of Education requires all licensure applicants to go through an individual transcript review. Upon completion of the transcript review, applicants will be informed of any deficiencies on a case by case basis. At this time, GCU has determined this program meets Utah's licensure requirements.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Utah requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Utah does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
As of June 10, 2024, there is no PPA requirement for Utah teacher preparation programs.
Teacher candidates earning their teaching license in the areas of early childhood, elementary education, preschool special education, and special education will need to pass the Foundations of Reading Test before they are awarded their professional license. Candidates from Utah who are currently enrolled in an Educator Preparation Program (EPP) will receive a test voucher from their program. The voucher must be entered during the registration process. Vouchers cannot be applied retroactively to existing registrations, so be sure to acquire your voucher before you register. If you have any questions about your voucher, ask your faculty advisor before registering for the test.
Utah Foundations of Reading
Pearson Education, Inc.
Out-of-State Equivalency
Review the Out-of-State Testing Equivalency document to see if a test taken in another state is equivalent to a required test in Utah.
edTPA Requirements
Effective May 1, 2024, a pedagogical performance assessment (PPA) is no longer a requirement for a Utah professional teaching license. Candidates who successfully complete a preparation program and are recommended for licensure by their program can qualify for a professional teaching license without passing a PPA.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Utah State Board of Education
250 East 500 South
PO Box 144200
Salt Lake City, UT, 84114-4200
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Professional License from Vermont. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/09/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Vermont requires content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses students' knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the GCU University Policy Handbook policy, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams before applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Vermont requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four subtests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all subtests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Vermont does not require a professional knowledge exam. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Vermont Department of Education
Secretary Daniel M. French
1 National Life Drive, Davis 5
Montpelier, VT 05620-2501
(802) 828-1130
Virgin Islands
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Professional Educator Class II Certificate from Virgin Islands. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Transcript Review Required
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/10/2025, an individual applicant’s transcripts are reviewed by the licensure agency in Virgin Islands to determine if the educational requirements for licensure have been met. In addition to educational attainment, the professional licensing agency may consider the applicant’s professional experience, level of educational attainment, background, criminal record, exam scores, etc., to determine if the individual applying for licensure meets the state requirements. Therefore, only the state can determine if the individual graduate meets the requirements for licensure. As a result, GCU cannot make that determination for the state. Individuals with specific questions about this state’s process or regulations are advised to contact the state board to determine if the program will meet the individual’s needs.
Availability of Equivalent Credential
The U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education will determine if GCU's program is equivalent to a certificate in this territory once a transcript evaluation is completed.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The U.S. Virgin Islands requires a minimum of 42 semester credit hours in five of the six general academic areas: English, natural science, mathematics, social studies, foreign language and fine arts as well as an Educational Technology or other comparable computer course. If an individual does not have forty-two (42) semester hours of coursework in five of the six areas listed above the individual is expected to take any coursework they are lacking in the areas listed above prior to applying for certification in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The individual understands the deficient coursework will be taken outside their program of study.
In addition, individuals must complete a course in Virgin Islands history within the first year of employment.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The U.S. Virgin Islands requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The U.S. Virgin Islands requires a basic skills exam for teacher licensure. The basic skills exam is one assessment broken up into three to four subtests; one for each content area. Verification of a passing score on this exam, all subtests, will need to be shown prior to student teaching.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The U.S. Virgin Islands does not require a Professional Knowledge exam for certification.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
The Virgin Islands Department of Education
1834 Kongens Gade, St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: 340-774-0100
Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri: 8AM – 5PM
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Postgraduate Professional License from Virginia. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/23/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Additional Training Requirements
The Virginia Department of Education requires individuals seeking initial teacher licensure to complete the following trainings:
- Child Abuse and Neglect Recognition and Intervention Training,
- Emergency First Aid, CPR & AED Certification or Training,
- Dyslexia Awareness Training, and
- Behavior Intervention and Support Training.
- Cultural Competency Training **MORE INFORMATION BELOW**
The certification or training program must be based on the current national evidence-based emergency cardiovascular care guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator, such as a program developed by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
Virginia requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Virginia does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Virginia does not require a professional knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Virginia Department of Education
PO BOX 2120
Richmond, VA, 23218
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Residency Teacher Certificate from Washington. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 03/17/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Field Placement Requirements
Before student teaching can begin in Washington, students must apply for pre-residency clearance. Pre-residency clearance consists of program approval and submission of fingerprints for a background check. Two items will need to be requested from the university: verification of teacher program enrollment and an unofficial copy of transcripts. It may take up to a month to receive Pre-Residency Certification Clearance. There are two options for fingerprinting; fingerprint at an Educational Service District (ESD) or fingerprint at a law enforcement agency or private fingerprinting service.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Washington does require a content knowledge exam for initial teacher licensure. The state of Washington lists that if you are an out-of-state certificated educator who is seeking certification in Washington your passing score from your state's teacher certification exam may be used to meet Washington's basic skills or content knowledge test requirement. If you have documentation that clearly shows you passed the exam, you may email, fax, or mail a copy of those results to the Professional Certification Office at OSPI. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
If you are an out-of-state certificated educator who is seeking certification in Washington your passing score from your state's teacher certification exam may be used to meet Washington's basic skills or content knowledge test requirement. Verification of passing scores for the basic skills exam will be needed when transiting to the next stage of licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Individuals who seek admission to teacher preparation programs in Washington may use the basic skills equivalent tests approved by the Board. The following link shows the list for basic skills equivalent tests approved by the Board.
*If you have documentation that clearly shows you passed the exam, you may email, fax, or mail a copy of those results to the Professional Certification Office at OSPI.
*More information provided here:
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Washington does not require a professional knowledge exam.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
600 Washington St. S.E.
P.O. Box 47200
Olympia, WA, 98504-7200
West Virginia
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Professional Certificate from West Virginia. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 02/28/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Educator Content Exam Requirements
West Virginia requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The basic skills exam requirement in West Virginia can be waived with a Masters degree.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
West Virginia requires a professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The state of West Virginia requires the completion of the edTPA. The edTPA is a performance assessment that is comprised of artifacts and video submissions. The edTPA is worked on throughout student teaching with its submission being at the end of student teaching. The edTPA allows teacher candidates to demonstrate what they can and will do on the job through the ability to demonstrate effective teaching in all subject areas to all students.
Update Regarding WVBE Policy 5202 - As of August 9, 2023:
The requirement for passing WVBE-required test(s) for professional education (i.e. PLT) may be exempted, provided the individual meets one of the following criteria:
• Holds certification through the NBPTS; or
• Satisfied a passing score on the appropriate professional education test as required in the state where the preparation program is or was completed; or
• Satisfied a passing score on the appropriate professional education test which is included as part of a WVBE approved program; or
• Holds a valid out-of-state Professional Certificate; or
• Holds an expired out-of-state certificate or equivalent; or
• Has successfully completed three years of experience within the last seven years in one or a combination of specializations recognized on an out-of-state professional certificate valid during those three years; or
• Provide evidence of successfully completing a valid, reliable, and nationally normed performance assessment (including but not limited to the edTPA or PPAT) that demonstrates and measures the proficiencies in the professional roles and in the programmatic levels for which the individual is being prepared if such assessment has been officially adopted by the preparing institution/provider/state. This assessment must be aligned with relevant national and West Virginia content and professional standards or as required per the WVBE.
(Note - The Pre-K-Pre-K endorsement level does not offer a PLT exam. Students seeking this area must take the edTPA.)
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
West Virginia Department of Education
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Building 6 Room 304
Charleston, WV, 25305-0330
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a License with Stipulations from Wisconsin. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - Provisional Licensure with Deficiencies
Based upon a review of the regulations on 12/26/2024, graduates from this program may obtain a license in the state. This state allows graduates from this program to obtain a license with specific deficiencies. The license provided will include additional conditions which the state requires the applicant to meet to maintain licensure. Individuals with specific questions about this state’s process or regulations are advised to contact the state board to determine if the program will meet the individual’s needs. The state contact information and any known additional coursework and/or training which will be required after licensure are outlined below.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction requires all applicants meet the requirements of Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Rule. Students who complete a teacher preparation program outside of Wisconsin are not likely to have met them all. The coursework requirements needing to be met are listed below:
1. Minority Group Relations- All
2. Minority Group Relations- Wisconsin American Indian Bands and Tribes
3. Conflict Resolution
4. Environmental Education
Applicants who have not met all requirements will be awarded a License with Stipulations. All stipulations must be satisfied or removed before the expiration date of the license. Students may require additional coursework outside of GCU's program. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of and meet the educational course requirements for their state.
Field Placement Requirements
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction requires applicants to complete a full semester of full-time student teaching or 18-weeks. GCU’s teacher preparation programs include 15 weeks of student teaching. When applying for licensure, applicants will be awarded a License with Statutory Stipulations. Applicants can meet this statutory stipulation by completing a verification of employment form confirming 18 weeks of successful full-time teaching experience. Statutory stipulations must be satisfied before the expiration of the License with Statutory Stipulations. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of and meet the licensure requirements of their state.
GCU’s program requires placement in two settings, one occurs in a Birth-PreK classroom (practicum course) and one in a K-3 classroom (student teaching course).
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WIDPI), is requesting that Grand Canyon University (GCU) not advise on their state test requirements while students are completing a GCU education program. WIPDI is recommending that GCU ONLY advise students on the GCU requirements that need to be completed to obtain GCU’s endorsement for licensure. If the candidate has questions about WI licensure, please direct these candidates to reach out to the WI DPI, they can submit a Help Desk ticket to inquire.
Help Desk ticket link:
The state of Wisconsin requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Wisconsin does not require a basic skills exam for students prepared in programs outside of Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WIDPI), is requesting that Grand Canyon University (GCU) not advise on their state test requirements while students are completing a GCU education program. WIPDI is recommending that GCU ONLY advise students on the GCU requirements that need to be completed to obtain GCU’s endorsement for licensure. If the candidate has questions about WI licensure, please direct these candidates to reach out to the WI DPI, they can submit a Help Desk ticket to inquire.
Help Desk ticket link:
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WIDPI), is requesting that Grand Canyon University (GCU) not advise on their state test requirements while students are completing a GCU education program. WIPDI is recommending that GCU ONLY advise students on the GCU requirements that need to be completed to obtain GCU’s endorsement for licensure. If the candidate has questions about WI licensure, please direct these candidates to reach out to the WI DPI, they can submit a Help Desk ticket to inquire.
Help Desk ticket link:
The state of Wisconsin requires an Arizona professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
125 S. Webster Street
P.O. Box 7841
Madison, WI, 53707-7841
Professional Licensure Disclaimer
The information below pertains to individuals intending to obtain a Initial Teacher License from Wyoming. It will inform you of whether or not this program meets the educational requirements for this license in this state. This does not pertain to any other license issued by the state. Please be advised that state regulations and processes can change at any time, individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals.
Arizona State Board/Department of Education Approval
Please be advised that Grand Canyon University’s Initial Teacher Licensure programs are approved by the Arizona State Board of Education and the Arizona Department of Education. These programs are not approved by any other state licensing board. Students must acknowledge and understand that state regulations and processes can change at any time. Individuals are encouraged to monitor the state requirements for licensure throughout their education to ensure that the program will meet their intended career goals. For the most current information contact the state agency or visit and review the state licensure disclosures for programs in your state.
Meets - May directly certify
Based upon a review of the state’s regulations on 01/27/2025, this program appears to meet the educational requirements to directly certify for licensure in this state.
Additional Coursework Requirements
The Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board (PTSB) requires applicants to demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. and Wyoming Constitutions. This requirement can be met by completing two PTSB approved multiple choice exams. The U.S. and Wyoming Constitution PTSB approved exams may be taken at any Wyoming School district administration office or, at the applicant's request, may be taken digitally with the exam being sent via e-mail.
If the applicant does not want to complete the requirement by demonstrating knowledge through an exam, a course in U.S. History may be taken instead. GCU's programs do not include coursework in U.S. History, therefore, additional coursework will need to be completed outside of the program.
Verification of meeting this requirement, either through exams or coursework, must be shown at the time of initial licensure application. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of and meet the educational course requirements for their state. More information can be found at
Educator Content Exam Requirements
The state of Wyoming requires one or more content exams for teacher licensure. A content exam assesses a student's knowledge of the subject they will be teaching. Per the policy in the GCU University Policy Handbook, students must pass their state-mandated basic skills and content area exams prior to applying for the clinical practice/student teaching experience. At the time of licensure, verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
Educator Basic Skills Exam Requirements
The state of Wyoming does not require a basic skills exam.
Educator Professional Knowledge Exam Requirements
The state of Wyoming requires an Arizona professional knowledge exam for teacher licensure. A professional knowledge exam assesses a student's pedagogical knowledge for the certificate they are seeking. Verification of a passing score on this exam will need to be shown by the time of application for licensure. For more information on test names, codes, and scores please contact your Student Services Counselor or your Field Experience Counselor.
edTPA Requirements
The edTPA is not required for out-of-state program completers in this state.
State Agency Contact Disclosure
Licensure and certification requirements vary by state and may differ based upon the prior education and experience of the individual. Students are advised to contact the agency in the state in which they intend to pursue licensure to determine/confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in that state. If you wish to review your state’s licensure and certification requirements, the agency contact in your current location is:
Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board
2001 Capitol Avenue
Emerson Building Rm. 128
Cheyenne, WY 82002