Master of Science in Instructional Technology

Offered By: College of Education


  1. Visionary Leadership - Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Master of Science in Instructional Technology program inspire and participate in the development and implementation of a shared vision for the comprehensive integration of technology to promote excellence and support transformational change throughout the instructional environment.
    • Develop and communicate a shared vision for the comprehensive use of technology to support digital-age education for all students. [ISTE-C 1a; InTASC 10(e); Mission Critical 2]
    • Develop, administer, and evaluate technology-infused strategic plans at the district and school levels. [ISTE-C 1a; InTASC 10(g); Mission Critical 1, 2, 4]
    • Advocate for strategies to support equitable implementation of the shared vision represented in the school and district technology plans and guidelines. [ISTE-C 1b; InTASC 9(n), 9(o), 10(h); Mission Critical 4]
    • Implement strategies for initiating and sustaining technology innovations and manage the change process in schools and classrooms. [ISTE-C 1c, 1d; InTASC 10(j), 10(t); Mission Critical 1, 4]
  2. Teaching, Learning, and Assessments - Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Master of Science in Instructional Technology program assist teachers in using technology effectively for assessing student learning, differentiating instruction, and providing rigorous, relevant, and engaging learning experiences for all students.
    • Model design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning experiences addressing content standards and student technology standards. [ISTE-C 3b, 5b; InTASC 7(a); Mission Critical 1, 2]
    • Model design and implementation of innovative technology-enhanced learning experiences using a variety of instructional strategies and assessment tools to address the diverse needs and interests of all students. [ISTE-C 3b, 4a; InTASC 6(g), 7(c), 7(k); Mission Critical 1, 2]
    • Model design and implementation of assistive technology-enhanced learning environments that accommodate for learner variability. [ISTE-C 4c; InTASC 5(l), 7(c), 7(e); Mission Critical 1, 2, 3]
    • Model incorporation of research-based best practices in instructional design when planning technology-enhanced learning experiences. [ISTE-C 4d; InTASC 7(k), 8(n); Mission Critical 1, 2]
    • Model effective use of technology tools and resources to continually assess student learning and technology literacy by applying a rich variety of formative and summative assessments aligned with content and student technology standards. [ISTE-C 4b; InTASC 6(i), 6(g); Mission Critical 1, 2]
    • Model effective use of technology tools and resource to systematically collect and analyze student achievement data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. [ISTE-C 4b, 6b; InTASC 6(c), 6(i), 6(k), 6(l), 6(v); Mission Critical 1, 2]
  3. Digital-Age Learning Environments - Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Master of Science in Instructional Technology program create and support effective digital-age learning environments to maximize the learning of all students.
    • Model effective classroom management and collaborative learning strategies to maximize teacher and student use of digital tools and resources and access to technology-rich learning environments. [InTASC 5(c); Mission Critical 1, 2]
    • Maintain and manage a variety of digital tools and resources for teacher and student use in technology-rich learning environments. [ISTE-C 7c; InTASC 5(c); MC1, MC2]
    • Model use of online and blended learning, digital content, and collaborative learning networks to support and extend student learning and expand opportunities for online professional development for teachers and administrators. [ISTE-C 1c, 3d; InTASC 3(b), 3(g), 9(d), 10(i); Mission Critical 1, 2]
    • Select and evaluate the use of adaptive and assistive technologies to support student learning. [ISTE-C 1b; InTASC 8(n), 8(o), 8(g), 8(r); Mission Critical 1]
    • Determine effective solutions to common problems related to software , hardware, and connectivity problems within digital learning environments. [InTASC 9(d); Mission Critical 1]
    • Collaborate with teachers and administrators to evaluate digital tools and resources that enhance teaching and learning and are compatible with the school technology infrastructure. [ISTE-C 3c; InTASC 8(o); Mission Critical 1, 2]
    • Use digital communication and collaboration tools to communicate with education stakeholders locally and globally and maximize the potential of technology for learning. [ISTE-C 1e; InTASC 10(g); Mission Critical 2]
  4. Professional Development and Program Evaluation - Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Master of Science in Instructional Technology program conduct needs assessments, develop technology-related professional learning programs, and evaluate the effect on instructional practice and student learning.
    • Conduct needs assessments to inform the content and delivery of technology-related professional learning programs that result in a positive effect on student learning. [ISTE-C 5a; InTASC 9(b), 9(k); Mission Critical 1, 2]
    • Develop and implement technology-rich professional learning programs that model principles of adult learning and promote digital-age best practices . [ISTE-C 3d, 5b; InTASC 9(a), 9(b), 9(k); Mission Critical 1, 2]
    • Evaluate results of professional learning programs to determine their effectiveness on deepening teacher content knowledge, improving teacher pedagogical skills, and increasing student learning. [ISTE-C 5c; InTASC 9(a), 9(b), 9(c), 9(g), 9(h); Mission Critical 1, 2]
    • Establish positive, collaborative coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies. [ISTE-C 3a; InTASC 7(k), 7(o), 8(k), 8(r), 10(a), 10(b), 10(i), 10(s); Mission Critical 2, 4]
  5. Digital Citizenship - Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Master of Science in Instructional Technology program model and promote digital citizenship.
    • Model and promote strategies for achieving equitable access to digital tools and resources and technology-related best practices for all students and teachers. [ISTE-C 1b; InTASC 4(g); Mission Critical 1, 3, 5]
    • Model and support safe, healthy, legal, and ethical uses of digital information, online media resources, and technology use. [ISTE-C 7b, 7c; InTASC 9(f); Mission Critical 3, 5]
    • Model and promote diversity, cultural understanding, and global awareness by using digital-age communication and collaboration tools to interact locally and globally with stakeholders. [ISTE-C 3b, 7a; InTASC 10(g); Mission Critical 3, 5]
    • Monitor student and staff compliance with effective privacy and security practices. [ISTE-C 7d; InTASC 3(k), 3(m), 9(f), 9(j); Mission Critical 4, 5]
  6. Content Knowledge - Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s Master of Science in Instructional Technology program demonstrate professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions in content, pedagogical, and technological areas, as well as adult learning and leadership, and are continually deepening their knowledge and expertise.
    • Engage in continual learning to deepen content and pedagogical knowledge in technology integration and current and emerging technologies necessary to effectively implement the ISTE Standards. [ISTE-C 2a; InTASC 9(a), 9(b); Mission Critical 1]
    • Explore professional learning networks to enhance coaching skills and expertise to remain current with emerging technologies, practices, and innovations. [ISTE-C 2b; InTASC 10(i); Mission Critical 1, 3, 4]
    • Regularly evaluate and reflect on their professional practice and dispositions to improve and strengthen their ability to effectively model and facilitate technology-enhanced learning experiences. [ISTE-C 2c; InTASC 9(g); Mission Critical 1, 3]


Our faculty are committed to bringing their abundant knowledge, enthusiasm, and experience to GCU and its students every day.

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Disclosure Categories Related to Professional Licensure

Master of Science in Instructional Technology

for residents of AL, AK, AS, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FM, FL, GA, GU, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MH, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, MP, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, PW, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VI, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY,


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This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

American Samoa

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

District of Columbia

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Federated States of Micronesia

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Guam, US Territory

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Marshall Islands

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

New Hampshire

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

New Jersey

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

New Mexico

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

New York

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

North Carolina

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

North Dakota

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Northern Mariana Islands

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Puerto Rico

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Republic of Palau

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Rhode Island

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

South Carolina

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

South Dakota

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

Virgin Islands

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.

West Virginia

Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.


Not Intended for Licensure

This program is not designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in Arizona or any other US state or territory.