Health and Wellness Clinic

Welcome to the Canyon Health and Wellness Clinic. Our goal is to promote a healthy community at Grand Canyon University (GCU) by providing students, staff and faculty with top-quality healthcare services. Board-certified nurse practitioners see patients and provide care to the GCU campus community by offering health services such as performing physicals, treating illnesses and delivering holistic, individualized care to all of our campus students and staff.
The Canyon Health and Wellness Clinic is proud to offer a variety of services, including health education, wellness promotion, weight management, smoking cessation, TB skin tests, tetanus immunizations and more. Patients can also purchase prescription medications as available (as prescribed by our staff).
We are also pleased to offer specialized women's health services to the campus community, including pelvic exams, pap tests, breast exams and pregnancy tests, provided by our nurse practitioners.

Healthcare Requirements
Prior to the start of classes, GCU requires all students to submit documentation or waivers for certain immunizations. We also ask that certain student groups provide proof of medical insurance. Review the information below prior to the start of classes to make sure you are eligible to start classes on GCU’s campus.
Health Insurance and Medical Requirements
GCU brokers students health insurance for all students who are required* to provide proof of coverage. This currently includes:
- Division I Athletes
Theatre & Theatre Education Students - Dance & Dance Education Students
- Counseling Students
- Pre-Licensure Nursing (Clinical Participants)
- Athletic Training (Clinical Participants)
- International students with an F-1 visa
*Option to waive out if current insurance meets requirements. Check with your university counselor or student service counselor for more information.
This notice is being provided to you in compliance with the underlying policies outlined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). GCU student medical records are subject to requirements of the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) rather than HIPAA, as FERPA carves out an exemption for all student Records. However, in order to ensure that GCU utilizes up-to-date privacy and security protocols, we have instituted the following practices.
This notice describes how "medical/personal health information" (PHI) about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
GCU understands the importance of your PHI and follows strict policies to keep your PHI private. Therefore, GCU is providing you this notice that describes its privacy practices concerning your PHI/medical record. Your PHI means any of your written and verbal health information, including demographic data that can be used to identify you and that relates to your past, present or future physical or mental health condition. In general, when we release your PHI, we will release only the information needed to achieve the purpose of the use or disclosure. Your PHI will be available for release to you, to a provider regarding your treatment or due to a legal requirement.
GCU reserves the right to change the privacy practices described in this notice. Changes to our privacy practices would apply to all health information we maintain. If we change our privacy practices, a revised notice will be available upon request.