Author Details

Angela Bratt
Student Writer, Grand Canyon University
Spotlight Questions:
Who am I and how did I get to GCU?
I was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I am a very involved and active student. I enjoy spending time outdoors, hiking, working out, hanging out with friends, drinking coffee, cooking and working. I strive to work hard and put my best effort forth in all that I do in order to glorify the Lord. I originally heard about GCU through a friend, who encouraged me to come take a discover trip. When I visited campus I fell in love with the community and loved how much opportunity there was. I knew it was a place where I could thrive and I couldn’t wait to start college as a Lope.

What do I enjoy most in the Honors College?
Little did I know at the time, but joining the Honors College was one of the best decisions I made when picking GCU. Being involved in the Honors College has provided me with countless resources, opportunities, relationships and leadership. I’ve been blessed to be surrounded by an incredible community of people, many of which I met through the Honors College.

What advice do I have for students interested in joining the Honors College?
Point blank: just do it. I was hesitant at first about joining the Honors College because I didn’t want to be stressed out all the time. However, GCU’s Honors College is great because they recognize that their students are already top performing and high achieving students. Thus, instead of creating more work for us, they partner with students to provide the tools to develop skills professional skills. They are attentive to workforce demands and create programs and events to prepare their students to meet those demands.


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