Gabriela Calhoun, the Girl Who Never Stops

By Morgan Lentz

two girls smiling

“Over-achiever” is often an adjective that finds its way in conversation about our students here at the Honors College. It is certainly never omitted when talking about our wildly driven STEM ambassador and engineer liaison Gabriela Calhoun.

Gabriela is best-known for her extensive research on 3D printing and her development of a printed bandage concept, 3Derma. Her team won the Honors Symposium scholarship award for their innovative design and obvious dedication. This summer, they have worked tirelessly on bringing their research to larger testing and development. They recently pitched to the Westmarc’s Healthcare Committee meeting. From there they have connected with Midwestern University and BioAccel to meet and potentially receive backing for their project.

Surely with all of this leading research, work and biomedical engineer coursework, there’s just no way she has time for anything other than eating and sleeping! That’s what we thought too…

Gabriela extends her work to the local community. She recently partnered with the Girls Rule Foundation and is being featured on a panel as a mentor to young girls who aspire to enter the world of entrepreneurialism during a “Shark Tank” weekend. She also connected through CO+HOOTS with a network of highly driven women in business group Women Entrepreneur’s Happy Hour. Through both of these opportunities, Gabriela is hoping to increase her connections and influence in the worlds of medicine and business. Clearly, this is one young woman who has her eye on the prize, and we admire her tenacity and passion for all of her ventures. Gabriela has definitely been making the most of her college years!

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.