Weekly Devotional: Changing Leaves

By Paige Ferrari

A stressed woman under the Weekly Devotional banner

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

They say that the only thing that doesn’t change is change itself.

Patterns break. People fail. Chaos ensues. Sometimes the earth feels like it’s getting ripped from underneath us.

We cling to things that will fill us up, things that will be there for us. Sometimes, it’s a hobby or excelling in school. Other times, it can be a significant other that we cling to and rely on.

Things change.

As humans, we don’t really like inconsistencies. We attempt to make our lives as consistent as possible. We strictly schedule ourselves to help keep life steady. We have health insurance for those “just-in-case” moments that cause us to be distraught and disrupt our patterns.

We put in place all of these safeguards to help prevent life from changing and to help cushion the blow when changing takes place.

But what is our constant? There has to be one.

“I the Lord do not change.” (Malachi 3:6)

This truth gives us the hope that we can rest in. Our God is our constant in a world of changing tides. When we are lost in the chaos of life, we turn to our rock and our foundation.

God never changes.

So now that the heat of summer is gone and the leaves are starting to change, our life may move with the seasons.

But our God never changes. He will never move. Rely on Him. Trust in Him, and let Him be your constant.

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