Chapel: An Unexpected Gift from God

By Paige Ferrari

Black and white Chapel logo

Chapel looked a little different this morning. The band from Love International Ministries took over the stage this morning to give us a multilingual worship service. Ryan Nunez from Palm Valley Church spoke in Chapel this morning as well.

“Guilt is a gift from God.”

That is how Ryan started his message to the listening audience. This statement took the audience back a little bit.

“Guilt is an indicator that you did something wrong,” said Ryan. It’s an indicator from God, saying that we have to take some kind of corrective action to fix what we did.

“But the Lord was displeased with what David had done.” (2 Samuel 11:27)

Guilt says that we made a mistake and something needs to be done about that mistake. This passage from Samuel about David is about the unrelenting guilt that he had when he impregnated another person’s wife.

David took the path of shame in this story.

“Guilt says I did something wrong. Shame says I am wrong,” said Ryan.

He pointed the crowd to Psalm 32:3-4, written by David when he was dealing with this shame.

Then, David took the path of repentance. Guilt is an indicator that we have sinned, but repentance is what sets us free.

God didn’t create us to carry the burdens of our sin. God created us to lean on Him and understand the repentance was paid by Christ on the cross.

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Grand Canyon University offers Chapel services every week during the academic year for students, faculty and staff. Learn more about other events on campus and GCU’s Chapel services by requesting more information.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
